Meet the Parent

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[ Weeks Later - Illyana's apartment ]

"... Hey hey!"

Illyana smiled, looking at the computer screen, and then at her mother.

"Ez! I've missed you so much!" She exclaimed, shyly waving at him. "Where are you at?"

Ezra smiled, faintly blushing at Illyana's comment. Externally, he was trying to be the cool boyfriend. Internally, he was trying not to screw this up. "I've missed you too, dear. It's been such a long time!"

He continued, "Me? Oh, no where important, really. Just in Switzerland, no biggie," he chuckled, turning his eyes towards the other redheaded woman sitting next to Illyana. "M-Ms. Romanov."

Barbara cocked a brow, trying to fight off a smirk. The boy, she noted, was looking awkwardly nervous, and the cocky act wasn't working.

"Mr. Koenig. I've heard about how you shove your tongue down my daughter's throat. Pleasure to meet you."

Ezra's eyes widened, and the faint blush became more obvious - painfully obvious.

"Mom!" Illyana yelled, looking at her mom fully embarrassed.

Barbara rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "I'm kidding! Trying to break the ice. Look at the poor boy, he's sweating bullets!"

Am I?

Ezra looked down at his black sweater, seeing a drop of sweat fall from his usually well kept face.

Yes. I am.

"C'mon, Ezra, I'm not an evil witch. It's a pleasure to meet the boy who has brought some spark back to my child's life."

Ezra smiled, feeling himself relax as she spoke. "Hey! It's truly an honor to meet you, really. You've no idea how much this means to me. Illyana is a great person, really amazing. I can see where she got that from."

Barbara turned to Illyana. "Such a charmer."

Illyana nodded, pressing her lips together. "I told you he was. She's been dying to meet you anyway possible, it's unbelievable."

Ezra chuckled, pressing his hand on his thigh; he was still incredibly nervous.

"Really? I've been dying to meet you too, Ms. Romanov. Would have told me sooner, I would have flown you guys out here."

"No!" Illyana exclaimed, shaking her head. "Nope, nope, nope. I can't travel with this woman. Nope. She travels with forty bags."

Barbara frowned, nudging her daughter softly in the arm. "Child, you're embarrassing me in front of your boyfriend. You damn well know I can do the same."

Ezra cocked a brow, curiosity filling his mind. "Oh, please, do tell. This ought to be fun." He leaned back on his wooden chair, giving Illyana a cocky smirk, and crossing his arms.

"... I hate you so much," Illyana shot back.

Barbara clasped her hands. "Very well. Hm... Oh! Okay, you see her front teeth? - smile, Illyana, I want him to see your teeth."

Unwillingly, Illyana smiled sarcastically, looking more than unamused. "Like this?"

"Brighter, darling, bri - fine," Barbara said exasperated. "I'll take whatever I can get. Anywho, while she was in sixth grade, she liked this boy, Tommy Houston. Oh, how cute he was! Truly dreamy. Well, he was a baseball player, and Illyana wanted to impress him..."

"Mom, can you not?" Illyana groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Seriously, talking to my boyfriend about my ghosts isn't quite the introduction I had in mind."

Barbara frowned, shooting a look at Illyana before turning back to a highly amused Ezra. "Where was I? Oh, right! Anywho, Illyana and him had the same PE class, and they had an intermix game, girls vs boys. Ms. Lovestruck here decided she wanted to bat first, and bat real good. Long story short, she swung, and the bat hit her face, knocking her front teeth out."

"Oh my god... For a boy?" Ezra asked, pretending to be shocked. "Seriously though, were your palms sweaty? Was the love too much for you?" He made a point of emphasizing 'love' as much as he could.

"Keep pokin' the bear, you two. I'll get back at you both somehow," Illyana threatened. She had to admit it; she was secretly enjoying this. Never before had her mother been so open with a guy. Okay, maybe once... But she didn't like thinking about that time.

"She's a fool for boys, I tell you. You can easily tell when she's into a guy. She's more transparent than a projector paper," Barbara commented, ignoring her daughter's threats.

"I found her kind of heard to figure out. Sent mixed signals, you know?" Ezra said, bringing sass to the table. He crossed his legs and looked at his fingernails.

"Oh, poor thing! I hope she didn't give you much trouble," Barbara said, voicing concern.

Ezra shrugged, happily annoying Illyana. "No, no. Just had to make her meet me under the pouring rain, nothing much. What's the worst that could have happened, y'know?"

Illyana sighed deeply, making sure they both heard her.

"... Someone's unhappy," Barbara whispered.

Ezra chuckled dryly before clearing his throat and looking Barbara in the eye - screen eye. "In all seriousness, I really do hope you'll allow me too keep dating your daughter. She's an amazing person, one of a kind. I've never known anyone like her. Illyana's full of life, full of hope. She keeps the room alive, even when it's dead. My friends adore her, I adore her. She's the greatest thing that's happened to me in so long. Picked me up when I was alone... I mean, yeah, I'm at the peak of my career but... What's success without anyone to share it with?So, I ask you... please don't take my sunshine away."

Was that right?
I don't know, man.
She seems to like me.
Yeah? Isn't she a trained actress?
For all I know, she could planning my death.

That's exactly how Barbara remained. Completely silent. At first look, he seemed sweet and innocent. Almost naïve. As they progressively talked, he seemed funny and caring.

But now she realized; the kid was in love.

"... Honey... Of course I won't take your sunshine away. No, no! Denying you both would be cruel. I can see you both lo...- like, each other a lot." The redhead woman gave Ezra and Illyana a warm smile, reaching out for the latter's hand, and giving it a light squeeze.

"I...- wow, I don't know what to say. I'm relieved? N-no, that sounds stupid. Um, thank you?"

Barbara chuckled and shook her head. "Keeping my girl happy will suffice, Ezra. And please, we're between friends. Call me Barb. All my friends do!"

Ezra nodded, his muscles less heavy than before. "Um, call me Ez, I guess! I, um, seriously, thank you so much for putting your trust in me. I won't make her unhappy, ever. I promise."

Do little promise...
Even mean a thing?
[ Hours Later ]

"So, mom, how did you like Ez?"

"... Hon?" Barbara asked, looking serious.

"... Y-yeah?" Illyana asked, feeling her muscles tense up.

"The boy loves you. He's a fool for you," she said, pressing her lips.

"... W-what? Mom, don't be ridiculous. He's halfway across the-"

"There's something... Some sparkle... I can see it in his eye. And I can see it in yours. Honey, this is the perfect match. He's the one," Barbara continued.

"... Okay, mom, we don't know that, but okay..."

Who am I kidding?
I want him to be the one...

"Nobody knows what the future holds, k?"

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now