Mile High Dating 101

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[ Somewhere In The Atlantic Ocean ]

"You are all so mature," Ezra looked at himself in the mirror, wiping off the pen marks on his face left by Baio and CT. "Real mature, guys." He frowned as the black ink stained the wet wipe.

CT smirked, standing behind Ezra. "C'mon, Ez, have a little fun! You've gotta admit this is my best work in a long time." The bearded man placed his elbow on Ezra's shoulder, cocking a brow as he looked at himself in the mirror. "You always enjoy our art classes; what bit you in the ass today?"

Ezra rolled his eyes, turning the faucet on and wetting the wipe again. "Well, I woke up too early to catch the fucking flight. I was having an enjoyable nap - in an airplane - and then I wake up to find this drawn all over my face. I say that's enough to get me mad." He ran the wipe across his face, getting the last stains of ink off.

Baio chimed in, nudging CT. "Pfft, seriously, Ez? You really think we'll believe you're mad about this?" He turned to CT, shaking his head. "He's upset about leaving his lady friend behind. Quite reasonable, I'll give you that."

Ezra's face grew hot, something even he couldn't deny, as he saw himself directly in the mirror. "N-no, Illyana and I know the kind of lifestyl...-"

"Cut the crap act out, Koenig," CT punched Ezra's shoulder. "You're in fucking love with Illyana, don't deny it. And you're fuming mad because you guys had to get torn apart for the tour. I get it, man. I'm missing Em right now, just like Baio's missing Katie. Isn't that right?"

Baio nodded obediently. "Definitely," was all he had to offer.

CT turned to Ezra. "You're just... A little more transparent with your feelings."

Ezra threw the wipe to the side and rubbed his face with the bottom palm of his hand. "H-how did you guys come to terms with this, the touring?"

"Well," Baio started. "I called her every night. Video chatted every few days. After a while, it becomes kind of numb. You learn to accept it."

"Yeah, like exercise!" CT nodded. "The first hard workout leaves you sore and pained; the follow-ups are pretty normal. It takes time, but you two will come to terms with it, you'll see!"


[ Greenwich, Connecticut ]

"So, how did you two meet?" Barbara asked. She placed four hot dog sausages on the pan, then turned back to Illyana, who was finishing her third glass of wine.

"At a nightclub - the Jane, actually. He was sweet after I was a bit of a stalking creep." She placed the glass down and blushed. "He asked me to go to a coffee shop near, cause his alcohol levels aren't... Too high...-"

"Thank the dark lords; he's not a drinker. That's a surprise coming from a singer," Barbara said, grabbing the hot dog buns.

"Yeah. He's different than Al or Jules. He's pretty relaxed, it's so adorable."

Barbara cocked a brow. "That's a kid who has everything under control."

Illyana shrugged, running a her hand down her hair. "Nah, he just seems that way. He can get pretty lost in transition. He's hella smart, I'll give you that. He was a teacher for a little while at Bed-Stuy."

"Bed-Stuy? Teacher? Now you're just throwing things right at me, Illyana," Barbara cackled, unbelieving her ears.

Most people never believed Ezra had been a teacher, because most people believed him to be a 23 year old guy fresh out of college - even though he was way older and pathetically wiser.

"Yeah, he was in Teach for America for a year when he got out of college. Youngest teacher ever, to be honest. And such a baby face too."

"Illyana, just promise me one thing." Barbara locked eyes with Illyana. Sure, Barbara wasn't the type of mother who would have a heart-to-heart conversation with her daughter, but she was the type of mother who wanted her child to be happy, yet safe.

Illyana stood straight, letting her mother speak. "Go on. Anything."

Barbara sighed, taking a few steps towards her daughter. "Be careful. You're in cloud-9 right now, but remember that the lifestyle of a celebrity - a singer, it's dramatic and can change. You're already getting a taste of that..."


"Welcome to Dating 101!" CT announced.

"We'll be running through the basics of celebrity dating and how to keep the flame alive!" Baio added, gaining a snicker from Rostam.

"Our first student is a thirty year old lyrical genius who has been dating a cute, adorably charming, red headed blogger and writer for the New York Times for about a month. Today is his first day of touring without his beloved." CT continued, winking at Ezra, who shook his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, first off, you guys talk daily, but not so much that it becomes a chore - seriously kills the flame," Rostam said.

CT nodded. "Second, you guys should sext...-"

"NO!" Ezra exclaimed, blushing deeply. "We don't do that! It's... Inappropriate, and we could get caught... Just no."

The boys all started laughing loudly, to the point where they were running out of breath. "Jesus, we were joking, Ez!" CT said, still letting the laughter out. "Okay, no seriously, send her small gifts, little details. Tell her that you miss her, that you love her!"

"I don't want to tell her that I love her though," Ezra retorted. "What if she only likes me? There's a difference between love and like, y'know? I don't want to scare her away by saying, 'hey Illyana, I love you more than words can ever say. My love for you is immeasurable, beyond the universe'..."

For a quick second, the boys were silent. Awed. Stunned. Amazed. They all looked at poetic Ezra Koenig with different eyes, those of bros understanding their love fallen comrade. Slowly, they started clapping, approving of his words.

"That's exactly what you need to say! That's exactly what you're feeling, say it, Ezra! Don't keep it locked inside!" Rostam cheered Ezra on.

"Yeah, man! I'd never seen you this way. It's nearly impossible to break Ezra Koenig down like this," Baio observed, crossing his arms.

"Tell her, tell her about how you've waited thirty years to find her. Tell her, tell her about how you're going to sacrifice anything and everything to protect and tell her, tell her how you much you love her and you miss and you'll do anything for her..." Rostam said, running out of breath.

"Bro..." CT said quietly.

"... Jus' saying..." Rostam shrugged the looks off and turned to Ezra. "You should though."

"Thanks guys, but I'm not sure if now's the best time to proclaim my love for her. I'd rather do it in person, 'kay?" Ezra looked the them and took a deep breath. "We'll get there in a few hours, so I'll call her then."

"Well, Netherlands, here we come!"

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now