Hello Romeo.

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[ Transatlantic Flight ~ One Week Later ]

I'm on my way to England.
I'm feeling pretty lost right now.
I've only been there a handful of times -
With my deceased father and mother, years ago.

Illyana sighed, peeking at the window, beneath where the blue ocean laid its scenic view. The young redhead was, at last, alone with her thoughts and troubles, although the hope of seeing Ezra again gave her hope and comfort.

Two months ago.
Who could have guessed we'd be here.

Illyana took her iPhone out, as well as her earbuds, and played Trouble Town, by Jake Bugg.

[ London, England - 3:50 PM ]

"We could visit Abbey Road," Rostam suggested, as Ezra tuned his guitar, the Rickenbacker 330, which he used in Giving Up the Gun.

"We should take a picture of us crossing the street!" CT suggested from his drum spot.

"Eh, I don't feel like going out much since Spain. I'm still getting headaches since," Ezra replied, walking towards the mic. "Besides, we need to get ready and deep into practice; this is it, guys."

Rostam chuckled, turning to CT. "He still can't stand the fact that Baio took his kissing chastity away."

CT laughed, nodding in agreement. "Willingly, btw."

Baio frowned, wiping off the 'saliva' that remained from Ezra's lips in his forehead. "Thanks for the reminder, guys."

Ezra decided to ignore the comment and focus on the rehearsal. "Giving Up the Gun in three, two... -"

[ Heathrow Airport ]

"Gwen? Hey! It's Illyana! I just landed in England."

"Magnificent! A company car's gonna be waiting for you nearby. Don't worry, the driver's got a sign and everything, so he'll be easier to find than a Eurovision fan in America."

Illyana laughed, grabbing her bags. "Hey, c'mon, Dancing Lasha Tumbai's a classic."

"Goodbye, Illyana," Gwen chuckled.

"Goodbye, Gwen," Illyana replied, clicking. The redhead walked around the world famous airport, hoping to find the driver soon.

[ Rehearsals - Roundhouse ]

"I dunno, what should we play next?" Ezra asked Rostam.

"Hm, something we rarely play? Not sure, Ez," the little man replied, looking over the set list.

"California English, both parts?" Ezra suggested, walking towards the bottle of Fiji water that was placed near.

"Seriously, have we ever played that live?" Baio asked confusedly. "I feel as if we haven't."

"That's cause we really haven't and we really should..." Ezra trailed off, turning to Rostam. "Hey, remember those songs you showed me in Berlin?"

Rostam nodded, furrowing his brow. "Yeah, what about them?" He asked.

"Let's play one of them as an encore!" Ezra said cheerily.

"Hahaha, no. I don't even have a beat for them, idiot," Rostam shot back. "Why don't you play one of your own?"

Ezra furrowed his brow, strumming on the guitar. "Hm? N-no, they're not done."

Rostam smirked. "Told ya."

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now