American Alexa Chung

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[ Restaurant - Blocks Away From Rolling Stone HQ ]

"I'm breaking my diet for you," Kate Frost mumbled, as she toyed around with her last meatball, using her fork. "I've been meat free for six months now. This is slightly torturous, and I can feel the greasiness rubbing itself against my intestines."

"Cheer up, KatieCup, its nothing a run around Central Park can't fix. Besides, you do this because you love me, and you love being near and with me," Illyana teased. The redhead placed her empty plate to the side and sighed, satisfied with her meal. "I'm craving a vacation right about now."

Kate rolled her eyes as she bit her meatball. "You're dating Ezra Koenig. Your life is a vacation, Silly Illy. Me, on the other side, could definitely take a year off, just to find an indie cutie who's willing to marry me."

Illyana laughed Kate's complaint away sarcastically. As if dating a celebrity was all sunshine and lollipops with rainbows. In the past few weeks, dating Ezra had been anything but a vacation.

"You really think dating Ez is all fun and smiles?" Illyana scoffed and shook her head. "Ever since one of his admirers found my Tumblr and Twitter, my life has been hell-on-mute, Kate. I cannot bring myself to open up my social media, because the first thing I'll see are threats against my life, made by angry pubescent girls."

She closed her eyes for a second before opening them again. "But I can't say anything; it's not like I didn't know the baggage Ezra carried around. But it's still uncomfortable. Every now and then, when we manage to get alone time, we get stops and stares from people. It's creepy when you spot someone taking a photo, and then find yourself on Tumblr, in that same photo, hours later."

Sympathizing with Illyana, Kate curled her lips and reached out for her hand. "All that must be overwhelming and hurtful, no? How do you deal with... Well, all of this?"

Honestly, even Illyana didn't know how to answer that. She'd be lying to herself and Kate if she said she didn't care about it, because she did. Never had she seen so much hatred against her.

"It doesn't faze me anymore, or as much as it used," she answered. "Often, I'd spend my nights rereading the hate messages, and then thinking about them, ending in sleepless nights. And don't get me wrong, there were plenty of sweet messages, which beat out the hate filled ones but the latter are the ones that stayed with me."

Seeing that it was almost time to retreat back to Rolling Stone, Illyana decided to rest her head against the chair's upper support, then tilt it slightly towards the window, allowing herself a view of mid afternoon Manhattan. Cars came and went, and so did people. A few, she spotted, we're getting ready to board a bus -

Quickly, Illyana picked her head up and her eyes widened. She leaned against the window, her forehead nearly pressed against the glass. "It can't be," she said softly.

Kate blinked a couple of times, before leaning in as well. "What's wrong? It's like if you saw the devil or something," she said jokingly, though half alarmed.

Retreating from the window, Illyana chuckled and nodded. "Close enough, actually. Look, do you see that bus?" She pointed at the bus stationed across the street, in front of them. Kate nodded, confused as to why Illyana would care about the daily bus.

"Yeah, why?"

Illyana turned her gaze over to Kate. "That blonde girl in the ad."

"Alexandra Black - isn't she a model?" Kate asked, and Illyana nodded. "What about her?"

Illyana groaned and thrust her head back. "Yeah. My brother, Justin, is dating her. And I kind of don't like -"

"Hold up; your brother is dating the most bankable American model on the planet? Illy... Illy, this girl is like, the new it girl. She's what I aspire to be like, but I'm not."

Illyana brought her head back up, highly confused in all honesty. How could she be the most bankable American model when she, Illyana, hadn't heard of her until Justin introduced her to the family.

"Wait, is she really that popular? Like, really well known and stuff?"

Kate leaned in more and more close, nodding excitedly. "How do I put this? She's, in a way, American Alexa Chung, minus the Arctic Monkey and Matt Hitt. She knows Alexa, okay? They went to Reading - Leeds together, she's on her Instagram, and she's besties with Poppy and Cara. She's the ultimate cool girl from America, my apologies to Lana Del Rey. How do you not like her, Illy?"

The question was a fair one, Illyana thought, and one that she herself couldn't answer. She didn't know why she'd take a dislike against Alexandra, which was not like Illyana. On the contrary, she always approached others with open-mindness. Just not Alex.

"I don't know. I actually don't know, and I hate that. Okay, I'll admit it. But even Ezra and my mom were a little... I'm not sure, thrown off by her. She seems extravagant, and maybe a little too uptight. Or maybe she's just not my type of person," Illyana replied sincerely, shrugging her response away.

Kate sighed and took one last sip of her beverage, as if giving up on the topic. "Just, get to know Alexandra and who knows? Maybe, just maybe, you'll like her. Bond over music, especially indie music." Kate smirked slyly as she grabbed her bag.

"Introduce her to Ezra and the boys. Who knows, might get the conversation going. Be her friend, Illy, if you want to keep the peace. Besides, doesn't hurt to have a model as your sister-in-law and a singer as your boyfriend."

Illyana remained silent, although attentive towards her friend's words. True; she wanted to have a nice relationship with her brother's significant other. Especially as this one looked serious. More so than previously known women. Perhaps Kate was on to something.

"I guess you're right. I need to give her a chance. Besides," Illyana stood up, "Alexandra doesn't seem like a bad person."


Author's Note:

Hey! I hope talk enjoyed that! I think I've got my muse back *cue confetti falling on top of you and I* I apologize for not having updated in so long, and I apologize for the filler this chapter is, but there's so much goodness to come!

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