Ghosts of Boyfriends Past

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"Well," Katie chuckled, wiping food off her lips, "it's super late; we better get going." She turned her head towards Baio, motioning for him to stand up. "Are you guys gonna leave yet?" She asked, looking at Illyana.

Illyana sighed, turning towards Ezra, who shrugged nonchalantly. "I think we'll get going too. We've gotta get up early," she replied, stretching her upper limbs and yawning. Naturally contagious, Ezra yawned as well.

"Gosh, the food was so good, wasn't it?" Katie asked, turning her head towards Baio. He nodded, scratching below the lower lip. "I mean, it's better than Olive Garden; it's about as Italian as Taco Bell is Mexican."

The girls chuckled at the man's quip. "Alright, before we leave, I'm gonna go wash my hands. Katie, you're coming?" Illyana asked. Katie smiled and nodded, getting up from her seat. "We'll be right back." She ruffled Baio's hair as she went on her way.

Shortly after the girls left, Baio moved closer towards Ezra and eyed him carefully. "Hey, you," Baio said, gently kicking Ezra's foot. "What's wrong? You seemed pretty quiet the whole time." Baio cocked his brow, waiting to hear an explanation that made sense; he'd known Ezra for so long, he knew exactly when he was off. But the lead man just laughed and shook his head, "nothing's wrong, man. Just tired and lagged from the trip." Baio looked at Ezra quizzically. "Are you sure?" Ezra just nodded.


"- we kinda had a fight a few days ago. No biggie. He was just upset we hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks. But we're good now."

Illyana was extremely close to the mirror as she reapplied her lipstick. She made sure to adjust it properly, so there wasn't too much on her lips, as others - namely Alexandra - did.


Katie stood against the wall, nodding. She, like Baio, had picked up the off-ness of Ezra. "I'm just glad it wasn't bad. Chris and I had our atomic moments every so often. It's normal, though. Just a sign that he loves you."

Illyana smiled and nodded giddily. "I mean, yeah! I've put myself in his position, y'know? Him leaving for tours and everything. But it sucks sometimes, because he's at home while at a god knows what festival in what bloody city." She sighed. "At least I've a few days with him, and I'll make them good." She turned her head towards Katie and winked. "Come on, I'm done already."

Katie chuckled, opening the restroom door. "After you," she said, bowing her head as Illyana passed by. "Why, thank you," Illyana said, bowing her head as well. "You know, I haven't been to a wedding in so long. It's exciting, honestly," Illyana confessed.

The girls walked past the men's room, when the door swung open, and out came a man who almost collided against the girls.

"I'm so sorry - Illyana?"

For a moment, the redhead became confused, but soon, she found clarity. And then shock.

"Oh my god, Fergal." Her jaw dropped and her heart sank. The world was too much of a small place at this moment.

Katie just stood stared, wondering how this man - tall, but shorter than Ezra and Baio, Irish accented, rugged and handsome, knew Illyana.

"Illyana, it's - wow, it's been so long. How are you, love?" Fergal wrapped his arms around the frozen redhead, but she quickly returned the show of affection. "Yeah, it's been so long. I'm good, I'm good. Just doing my thing. You? How's New Japan? How's your mum?"

Katie cleared her throat, her eyes locked on Illyana, making sure to hint that she wanted to know who Fergal was.

"Oh!" Illyana blushed heavily. "Uh, I've neglected on introducing you both. Fergal, this is Katie Baio. She's a great friend of mine. And uh, Katie, this is Fergal, Fergal Devitt. He's my... Uh..."

"I'm her ex," Fergal finished the sentence. He smiled and shoved his hands on his suit pant's pockets.

"... Yeah, exactly. Fergal's a wrestler for New Japan Pro-Wrestling."

Katie's eyes widened, which quickly turned to Fergal. "Oh! It's a great pleasure to meet you!" Katie extended her hand, which Fergal accepted with a smirk that could kill. "Actually, I left New Japan. I'm with the WWE now. Prince Devitt's dead. Finn Balor has risen." He winked at Katie as he let her hand go. The latter giggled like a school girl at the gesture.

"Your dream came true, Ferg! Congrats!" Illyana smiled softly at the man. "I remember you always rambling about WWE. I think I'll catch up with it now that you're there."

"Not quite; I'm still in developmental. Well, at least that's how Triple H is branding it. I'm hoping I get to the main roster soon, though. I've been with the company since August-ish. No rush."

"I'm so, genuinely happy for you. I swear, I can't believe it." Illyana reached out for Fergal's hand and squeezed it lightly. "You've gotten so far since I last saw you. I, I knew you were one of a kind talent."

Fergal laughed, looking down at their connecting hands. "Enough about me, beautiful. How's you? What're you doin' 'ere?" He asked. Illyana let his hand go and she cleared her throat. "Well, I'm here with my boyfriend for a friend's wedding. We're with the band." She bit the very corner of her lower lip.

"Ah, boyfriend. Well, he's a lucky man, 'yana. I presume you know him, Katie." Fergal turned to Katie, who nodded rapidly. "He's a great man, Mister Devitt. He loves her a lot."

"Katie," Illyana mumbled.

"It's fine, 'yana. I'm happy that you're happy. It thrills me to know you're in good hands." Fergal moved a little towards the walkway, spotting his friends, wrestlers Adrian Neville and Hideo Itami, the former whom Illyana had met once before while he performed as PAC. "I've gotta get going. But it was a great pleasure to see you again, love. Keep in contact, aye. My Twitter is at WWEBalor. No underscores, just together." Once again, Fergal wrapped his arms around Illyana and kissed her cheek. "Goodbye, 'yana. Goodbye, Katie; it was grand to meet you." Fergal waved goodbye with a smile on his face and left.

"Oh. My. God," Illyana fell onto the wall, looking stone faced. Her eyes were placed directly on the wall. Katie walked over to her. "Shock?" She asked. Illyana nodded softly. "Yeah, I mean... Wow. I hadn't seen him in so long, it's ridiculous."

"Old memories?" Katie asked.

"Kinda," Illyana replied, shrugging it off.

"How'd you meet him?" Katie asked.

"Uh... My mum knows his mum. And we kinda met as teenagers. He was training at his local academy in Bray, where he's from. Him and my brother we're - or are close. I'm not sure. I don't think so, though, as Justin would've told me about him joining WWE."

"First love?" Katie asked, yet again.

Illyana shook her head, smirking slyly at the question. "Nah. Rebellious love, I guess. We weren't together when we were teenagers. It happened when my brother forced me to go to Japan with him. They've this show called Wrestle Kingdom, and Devitt was performing. We hit it off backstage and... Yeah."

Katie smiled and embraced Illyana tightly. "Where do you even get all these guys? I mean, Fergal; what a specimen!" This triggered Illyana to cackle in delight - it wasn't a new thing she'd been told. "But, are you gonna tell Ezra?" She asked. Illyana sighed, shaking her head. "It's not important. At least I don't think so..."

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