Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

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[ Saturday Morning - 6:30 AM ]

"You're gone," Illyana whispered into her phone. "You didn't even say goodbye."

The redhead laid in bed, curled up and fighting back the tears, which threatened to make their way down her porcelain skin.

Tears? Why tears? We've only been dating for a month. Away, foolish tears!


The hell? Since when so poetic? Dammit, Ezra! I'm speaking like you now, idjit.

"My dearest Illyana, parting is such sweet sorrow; I would have died a little on the inside if I'd seen your happy smile turn into a hopeless frown at the sight of me parting. I can't help but feel guilt overwhelm me, knowing that I've caused you this pain," Ezra replied, semi-quoting Romeo & Juliet - as such hyper-linguistic nerd would do so.

Definitely coming from this nerd.

For a moment, Illyana chuckled a sweet chuckle, before turning silent.

"You still there?" Asked Ezra. "Or are you giving me the silent treatment?"

Finally, letting a deep sigh, Illyana spoke again. "I'm here. I'm just... Pondering my next move."

Ezra furrowed his brow. "'Next move?"

"Yeah. Will I stay in bed all day, just moping, or will I go out?" She replied, giggling. Her eyes wandered off, scanning the familiar room.

"Well," Ezra started, "Going out sounds fun. But the last time you went out, you met me. I can't run the risk of another musician romancing my girl. I guess you can stay in and watch reruns of Breaking Bad," he laughed.

Mental note, catch up with Breaking Bad. Baio's gonna spoil it for me.

"I think I'll go out. Can't mourn over petty things, right?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Did you just call me petty, bambina? I won't lie, I'm slightly offended right now," Ezra said, smiling. "Look, I've gotta go. I think I see Rostam and CT coming."

Illyana gulped and nodded, seating down on the bed. "Call me when you get there, alright? And tell the boys I'll miss them, and to behave. I'll be checking up on all of you guys, got it?"

Ezra chuckled, as the sweetness she emanated shattered his heart - completely.

"But it's not the goodbye..." He replied.

"However it hurts the least," Illyana added in a soft whisper.

Was this really the least painful way to say goodbye? Ezra wasn't sure, but he knew that having Illyana face to face would have been tearjerking.

"I'll miss you, lo...- Illy."

Don't scare her away, hopeless romantic!

A sad smiled made its way into Illyana's lips. Love, was he perhaps calling her? Love, he had decided to abort.

"See you soon, Ezra Michael," she replied, clutching the bed covers, wondering when she'd see him again.

A/N: Filler chapter, guys! This was (seriously) hard for me to write, because I've stumbled upon a writer's block. And also because a goodbye should be short and sweet!

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