Boy Is On My Mind

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A/N: Hey guys! Little heads up, the story is about to undergo a medium time jump and this chapter balances out ( hopefully) flashbacks. It might be a little sucky, and I apologize in advance. Anywho, enjoy!


Two Months Later...

The thing about intervening songwriters was that, when it came time to reveal their hidden muses and inspirations, they were bound to be genuine with their answers.

"So, Dan," Illyana smirked as she scooted closer to The Black Keys' Dan Auerbach, "How much weight does love carry in your songs?"

Dan laughed quietly and locked his eyes with Illyana's, ready to give her a sermon on love and songwriters. "Well, love and hate are four letter words that can quickly turn into the best song I have ever written. Love, however, is a universal muse, which is always touched upon in many of our songs while not overdoing it."

"Do you have a muse? A special someone?"

Dan thought for a moment. "I...- don't we all?"


6 weeks before

"Why couldn't we take the elevator?" Illyana whined as she followed Ezra up the stairs of the the Empire State Building. Clearly, she was tired and aching, a fact that Ezra was ignoring.

"Because it's more romantic this way," he replied, happily running up the stairs. "Come on, bambina! You're too slow!" Ezra teased the girl, who shot a scowl his way.



"... I think we do, yes," Illyana replied. Of course, her muse in general was Ezra. He was, in some ways, her cheerleader.

"It's funny how, no matter how many times you swear love out of your life, there's always one person, that stubborn person who won't leave your mind, no matter what you do..."

Illyana nodded. The words hit home, of course. The feeling was familiar, and she knew it drove her insane at times.

Dan eyed Illyana carefully. He'd known her for sometimes now, and she seemed distracted, unlike the previous time he'd been interviewed by her. "Earth to Illyana, do you copy?" He asked, leaning in. "Is Illy there?"


6 weeks before

"... W-why? Why are you doing this to me?"

Illyana stood in front of a small, for two table, decorated with a candle, a bottle of champagne, flowers and the spectacular view of New York City.

Ezra pressed his lips together, fighting a smile.

"Because I thought you'd like it, surfer girl," Ezra responded, walking up to Illyana. He pressed his arm against her shoulder, sending a chill down her spine.

"You shouldn't have, Ez. Honestly, staying home is better. T-this must have been expensive!" She exclaimed, placing her hand near her chest. She turned her head to face Ezra, worried that he might have been doing too much for her.

Ezra shook his head and looked out to the city of his birth. "Illy, relax, will ya? I'm doing this because I can. Got it?"



"W-what?" Illyana snapped out.

Dan leaned away and furrowed his brow. "Hey, something's up with you, Illy. You seem out of it."

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now