Late Night With Rostam

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Dating a rockstar...

It had its pros. It had its cons.

Just ask Illyana; it only took her a month to figure that out.

One moment, Illyana and Ezra are sitting down comfortably on the couch in his Brooklyn apartment. The next, they're on their way to Rostam's warehouse apartment in the city. And still, Illyana had no clue as to why her presence was required there - but she wouldn't fight it either. Perhaps a late night hangout?

The couple, laying low, wore baseball caps and didn't make eye contact with anyone near them. People wouldn't recognize Illyana, of course, but Ezra would be another story. He wanted to protect his girl, because as strong and stubborn as she was, so were his loyal fangirls.

"Why do you think Ros wants to see us right now?" Asked Illyana, squeezing Ezra's hand softly.

Ezra squeezed her hand back and shrugged. "Not sure, but seeing as it is Rostam, it must be fucking important," the dark haired guitarist replied. He hated to think he was right, but Rostam always meant business. "Don't worry, it probably won't be anything," he assured her.

Illyana half smiled at Ezra's reassurance. The tone in his voice wasn't so convinced, Illyana knew it.

They stood in front of the keyboardist's apartment, which was a favorite hangout of the band. In some ways, it was their meeting spot, although Rostam warned Ezra that Baio and CT wouldn't be attending, which prompted Ezra to wonder why only him and Illyana were needed.

Illyana walked up the front door stairs and rung the bell. "Ros? It's me, Illy!"

A few seconds later, heavy steps could be heard coming to the door. "Illy! Ez!" Rostam opened up the door and welcomed his friends in. "Come on in, I've been waiting for you two lovebirds," he teased.

Ezra blushed faintly and held Illyana's hand as they walked into the apartment. "Batmanglij, I was having such a nice time with my girl. This better be worth it," Ezra warned his bandmate. Rostam scoffed and Illyana rolled her eyes. "It's fine, Ros. I'm actually pretty curious as to why insignificant me is here and significant bass and drum guys aren't," Illyana admitted.

Rostam chuckled nervously and lead the two in to the living room. "Y-yeah, about that. Well..." Rostam hesitated for a moment. "Sit down."

Ezra and Illyana furrowed their brows and looked at each other confusedly. Alas, they did as Rostam said and took a seat on the couch. "Come on, Ros, shoot," said Ezra.

The little man nodded, taking a seat in front of the couple. "The thing is... We're gaining momentum faster and faster. Modern Vampires? Commercial and critical hit around the world...-"

Rostam was interrupted by Ezra. "And that's great! Just what we wanted!"

Rostam cleared his throat and toned his voice down. "Isn't it so? That's exactly why XL wants to set up a West Europe tour."

Ezra's lips formed an o and nodded. "W-well, when does it start?"

"Few days. Not much of a warning. We're starting off in -"

"You're gonna go away, aren't you?" Illyana finally asked.

Rostam looked down. "That's why I thought you two should know together. We're going away for some time."

Illyana's lips parted, as if to say something, but no words came out. Ezra, on the other hand, had a lot to say.

"I...- I didn't think we'd be touring outside the country so soon. We just came back from South America. We've been touring all over the southern US. I guess..." The baby faced singer looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ez, I'll be okay. It's okay. Duty calls, and I should have known what I signed up when I started dating you. We'll Skype or something, and it'll find a way," Illyana finally spoke, running her hand through Ezra's hair. "It'll damn sure find a way for you and I."

I'm lucky she understands

"I guess you're right," he chuckled, putting his palm on her cheek. "It'll be over before I know. Before we know it."

Rostam smiled, happily knowing that his friend and his girl wouldn't be too torn apart. It was always Rostam who knew of his best mate's heartbreaks and heartaches. Monica, Ezra's girlfriend from Columbia, and Sara, Ezra's I Think Ur a Contra girlfriend, caused him much pain. And he'd been there countless times to reassure him that everything would work out.

At one point, Rostam swore he thought Ezra had sworn women out of his life. For the longest, since the Contra days, Ezra had been single and not ready to mingle. In fact, Illyana came as a bit of a shock to the band - a happy one at that. Ezra seemed to be penning more songs every day, happy songs. Songs with an upbeat that mimicked A-Punk. Songs about Illyana.

"I'll take care of E.K., Illy," Rostam chimed in, winking at Illyana.

The redhead turned to the little man and laughed. "Thanks, Ros! That's quite the relief. Ez is the type of person who needs a guardian," she looked at Ezra, smirking.

"Hey!" Frowned Ezra, "I can take care of myself!"

Illyana playfully rolled her eyes. "Sure, sure," She shook her head and sighed. "I'll miss you guys. I've gotten used to being so close to all of you. Hanging out almost daily..."

"Especially me," Ezra added, nudging Illyana's arm. "Psst, Illy? Will you miss our special nights?"

Illyana's eyes widened in horror, and slapped Ezra's hand away. "Shut up, Koenig!"

"Woah, special nights?" Rostam laughed. "Sounds interesting."

Illyana's toes curled and the cutest blush appeared on her porcelain face. "Idjit."

"Hey, Ros, how long will the tour be?" Ezra asked, cocking a brow. He reached out for Illyana's hand and held it gently. "West Europe is... Kind of a huge place."

"A month? Two, tops," Rostam replied, making Illyana's stomach turn. Two whole months without Ezra? Hell, that was almost as long as they'd known each other, and longer than they'd been dating.

"D-do you think we could do this?" Ezra asked Illyana. He was worried, of course, that he would lose his precious Illy, but he had a commitment with the band as well; there was no time for ifs and buts - this was the life he had chosen, and the life she knew he had.

Illyana just nodded and smiled, looking up at Ezra. "Of course, Ez! If Baio's wife and CT's girl can do it, why can't I?"

Maybe because you're an impatient idjit?

Again with the guilt tripping?

Focus on Ez, Illyana.


"Definitely," she added with a gulp.

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