... Doesnt Stay in London

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[ Early Morning ]

Illyana had woken up early, much to Ezra's surprise. She requested her bags be sent to this hotel, and much to her relief, they were delivered earlier than expected.

As Illyana was putting her makeup on, Ezra decided to log back into Twitter, perhaps 'compose' something witty. As the app started running, he realized that his notifications feed was beyond blown up - and it was scary.

What's this?

He clicked on the notifications button, and most of the tweets he saw contained a picture; him and Illyana kissing backstage.

Holy shit...

"Are you ready to go downstairs?" Illyana asked, brushing her hair. "I'm hungry."

Ezra tossed the phone slightly to the side and smiled [ albeit nervously ]. "Yeah! Do me a favor, g-go get us a table. I need to have a word with the guys first."

Illyana furrowed her brow, but didn't fight it. "Okay... I-is something wrong?" She asked, putting her hand on her waist. "Don't tell me you're feeling pregnant."

Oh, post sex jokes

"N-no, nothing wrong. Just um, a new possible project we need to discuss. It just /hit/ me, and well, I wanna tell them before I forget... Yeah..." Ezra said, grabbing his phone and quickly getting out of the bed. "I'll be down there in a few, okay?"

Illyana slumped her shoulders, having no other choice but to comply. "I guess."

Ezra smiled, kissing her cheek as he walked past her. "It's quick, I promise!"

Illyana nodded, neither frowning or smiling.

Sure thing...

"I've missed home," CT said, sitting on the bed next to Baio. "Which is weird, considering I miss the road once I get home. Hm..."

Rostam, who was sitting on the floor packing his bags, nodded in agreement; the lifestyle of a musician was indeed a weird one.

"Yeah, I agree. After a while, it gets boring at home. You want to be out here, but once you do..."

"It's hell," finished CT.

"Guys?" Ezra knocked on the other side of the door. "Guys, we need to have a quick chat about...-" He turned left to right, making sure no one was around, then whispered, "Illy."

CT looked down at Rostam, then at Baio. "Wait, about Illy?"

Rostam nodded, looking dumbfounded. "Seems that way. Come on in, Ez!"

Without a second to spare, Ezra stormed into the room, then slammed the door tightly shut.

"Woah... Did Illy dump you?" CT asked.

"What's wrong?" Baio asked, sitting up.

"Twitter," Ezra said, rubbing his eyes with his hand. "They fucking know, and I'm scared for her."

Rostam looked alarmed, standing up quickly. "Wait, they know about Illy?"

"Worst - they've got a picture of Illy and I," Ezra replied, opening up his phone, which was already on Twitter. He handed it to Rostam, who gladly took it. He scrolled down the notifications, some which included angry fangirl rants about Ezra not loving them back, and some, a lot worst, went as far as death threats.

By this point, Chris Squared became filled with curiosity, so they decided to get off their bums and check what was going on.

"Let me see," CT said.

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now