What Happens in London...

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[ London, England ]

"Run, slowpoke!" Giggled Illyana, running past Ezra, who was quickly running out of breath.

"Illy, I'm not Th-or... Geez, where are you getting this energy from?" He asked, bringing his hands down to his kneecaps. "W-we're not that far though. Not anymore."

Illyana stopped and skipped circles around Ezra, softly chuckling. "C'mon, haven't you ever ran away from admirers?" She asked.

Ezra looked up and thought for a moment. "I'm not Beyoncé - I don't have too many fans to hide from. And, generally I stop to take selfys cause I'm nice."

"You're innocent, that's it," Illyana retaliated. "Come here, Ez." She motioned the boy to walk towards her, which he gladly did after taking a breath or two. "W-what is it, Illy?" He asked.

Illyana grabbed his hands and placed them around her waist, bringing him closer to her. "I feel so safe when you hold me. It gives me a feeling of warmth and fuzziness and I love it. Because I have never felt so safe with anyone before."

Ezra smiled, putting his forehead with hers. "There's this thing you do, and I don't quite know what it is, but I feel more free with you. Because the way you came into my life? You were another girl, who said, 'hello, goodnight,' but after five minutes, you were a special someone. And I've never had anyone do that before; none of them."

Them, of course, were Ezra's exes, who Illyana wasn't exactly keen on.

Ezra held her waist tighter, and drew his face closer to hers. "I won't get tired of saying it, but I love you," Ezra whispered. "So much." He brushed a few hairs off her face and proceeded to kiss her.

Illyana giggled, pulling away. "I wouldn't mind hearing over and over again."

"Hm? That you're my girl, the one and only, my sunshine?- see what you do to me? I'm all corny and shit," Ezra chuckled.

"It's not corny! It's sweet, shut up!" Illyana cackled softly, pulling away. "I'm tired. Honestly. Dammit, I don't even have pajamas."

Ezra shrugged. "You look cute in my shirts, to be honest."

"Do I?" Illyana asked. "I feel dorky in them."

"That's the point! Besides, it's actually really hot," Ezra pointed out. "C'mon, let's keep walking. We're twenty minutes away from the hotel."

Illyana shrugged, walking next to Ezra. "I'm cold."

"Well, the world is a cold, cold place to be," Ezra replied.

Illyana frowned. "Shut. Up. Idiot."

"What, not in the mood for a little pun? I was gonna save a little warmth for you, y'know?"

"Shut up!" Illyana laughed, shaking her head. "Seriously, not funny!"

"But you're laughing!" Ezra replied, shaking his head. "Big contradiction, bambina."

[ The Band's Hotel ]

Ezra and Illyana walked down along the hallway of his floor, trying to get his key out. "I'm pretty sure this is where my room is... Hold up, give me a sec."

Ezra looked at the numbers, which his sleep deprived eyes made blurry.

"Y-yeah, this is it!" He pointed towards his room.

Illyana walked behind him, wrapping her arms around his not-so-waist. "C'mon, walk, Koenig," she ordered, chuckling.

"Bossy," muttered Ezra, pushing the door wide open. "Welcome to my temporary bachelor pad. Make yourself comfortable, I don't expect my girlfriend to be here," he said jokingly.

Illyana cocked a brow. "Really? Why not?"

"She's in New York, y'know? I need my freedom," he replied, taking his jacket off.

"Mm, good to know then." Illyana looked around the hotel room, which didn't look used - in fact, the bed was still heavily made. "Have you even slept?" She asked, folding her arms.

Ezra paused, thinking for a moment. "Uh, not really. I was up all night - felt nervous about this show, don't know why." He shrugged, pointing at the bathroom. "My shirts are in that bag, you could use any. And my pants are in that suit over there."

Illyana nodded, zipping the bag open. "Thanks. I can't wait till I let you use my clothes," she chuckled, winking at him.

"Pfft! I'm always, ALWAYS ready with my clothes, Illy. You need an organizer person, how about that?"

"Mhm, sure. Besides, why must I change in the bathroom? Hm?" She smirked, placing her hand on her waist. "What if I decided to change... Here?" Illyana kicked her converse off and unzipped her dark jeans.

Ezra turned around, blushing deep red. "H-Hm? I- I have the urgent need to cover my eyes..."

Illyana laughed, kicking the jeans away. "C'mon Koenig - you wrote Pizza Party AND Bitches - now you're shying away? Pst, that's not like you."

"Well IHaveNeverSeenYouNakedSoTheresThat," Ezra spat out, looking away.

Illyana shrugged, taking her cardigan off, followed by her shirt. "There's a first time for everything, y'know?"

Ezra gulped, and his toes curled. "Y-yeah?"

Illyana rolled her eyes. "What is this? 2008 fetus Ezra?" She walked towards him, half-naked. "I believe you're the one who asked the question - is your bed made?" She peeked over at the bed and smirked. "It is. And I see your sweater's on." She placed her hand on his upper chest, biting her lip. "Do you want to... Fuck? Like you know I do."

"I...- I have to say, I never thought anyone would ask me that question w-when I was chosen m-most intelligent in high school... O-or when my hair was longer than most women's... Or when -"

"Shut up and get kiss me, idiot," Illyana frowned, grabbing the back of his head and pushing it towards hers.

Ezra wrapped his hands around her unclothed waist, as Illyana pulled them towards the bed. Not for one second did the couple's lips separate, only as Illyana helped Ezra take his sweater off.

"So, is this it?" Ezra asked.

Illyana frowned, rapidly unbuttoning is his. "Is this seriously what you want to ask now?"

"Right. Nevermind," Ezra said, pulling the shirt off, then kissing Illyana, who wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Slowly, Ezra settled them down on the bed, himself on top of her. He smiled down at her, placing his hand on her cheek. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered.

Illyana smiled, admiring his facial features. "I love you, Ezra. So much."

"I love you too, Illyana..." Ezra's hands explored Illyana's body, her arms and curves.

She giggled, letting her hand walk on Ezra's chest. "I'm not made up of porcelain, Ez. You're not breaking me, I promise," she chuckled.

"I know," Ezra whispered, kissing her neck, before digging his hands on mattress, unclipping Illyana's bra.

"I know."

Hm, and here I thought London was boring...

A/N: this was the most fun AND the most nerve-wrecking chapter. I'm obviously not good at smut, so I'm not going to be digging into that. \(•-•\)I leave the rest to your i-ma-gi-na-tion. Thanks! (/•-•)/

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