Give It a Break

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[ Transatlantic Flight ]

"So, how are you enjoying the trip so far?" Ezra asked Illyana, who was enjoying her copy of NME Magazine.

Illyana turned to Ezra, putting the magazine down. "To be frank, I'm a little lost right now. I don't even get why we're going to Cape Cod - apart from the fact that you mention it a lot and blah blah blah."

Ezra chuckled, shaking his head. He still hadn't gone by mentioning about the viral photograph of each other.

It ticked him off a little, he couldn't lie. He'd always been so careful to being photographed with a girlfriend by a fan. Be it Sara or Nadja, there were few, very non-intimate pictures of them online.

And now, Illyana, a woman trying to build a name for herself in the music journalism industry, - and the woman he loved - would be known as Ezra Koenig's girlfriend, even as she built a strong career.

"It's my way of apologizing for leaving you alone for two months, Illy." Ezra smiled, placing his hand on top of hers. "Among other things." He added quietly.

"What was that?" Illyana asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Ezra said rapidly.

Well, she clearly wasn't born yesterday.

"Ezra Michael..."

"Illyana Jean..."

"Stop playing around, tell me!" Illyana pouted, siting up straight, her body facing Ezra.

Just come out with it

"Fine," Ezra said, flailing his arms around, then dropping them to his head. "Someone took a picture of us and posted it to Twitter, so I guess what I'm trying to say is that you better watch out; the fangirls are coming."

Illyana looked at him confusedly, processing the words one by one. "Wait. Who took a picture of us? When?"

Ezra groaned, face palming. "I don't know; yesterday, and when we were kissing. It's on Twitter and... Yeah..." He trailed off, looking away.

"And where does Cape Cod fit in all that?" Illyana asked, piecing the words together.

"Oh, well, I just thought that we could go there to let the fangirls cool down a little. And, you know, brace yourself for whatever might come." Ezra rubbed the back of his neck.

"They can't be that bad, can they? I mean, they seem lovely and ... They won't lynch me, Ez!" Illyana folded her arms, turning to body back to normal position. "Besides, there's something known as Rolling Stone, and y'know, I happen to work there."

"Give it a break, Illy! Let's spend time together before we go back to the city. It's not going to hurt, I promise."

Illyana sighed deeply, having no choice but to give Ezra the okay.

"I guess," she shrugged. "Fine, but it better be worth my time, got it?"

Ezra smirked, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Promise."


[ Ocean Mist Hotel, Cape Cod ]

"So, fangirls, eh?" Illyana asked, holding her bag with one hand and the other holding Ezra's hand. "You're overreacting, Ez. They're not a pack of wild animals; they love you and support you."

Ezra nodded, giving her hand a tight squeeze. "I guess I am overreacting. Maybe it's just me truly trying to make it up to you..."

"Ez, you've go nothing to make up for; it was your job, and there's nothing we can do about it. You signed up for this life and so did I when I started dating you. I love you and all the baggage you're brining into our relationship."

Ezra stopped, bringing Illyana closer. "And this is why I love you. Because you understand."

He grabbed the key, which the lobby attendant had given him, for the room, which was in the upper floor. "I think this is the hall. I think."

"If you don't find it, we can bum out in the beach for days until we get money from people who pity us, as you play guitar and sing. Y'know, the good ol' indie fashioned way," Illyana said jokingly.

Ezra chuckled, nodding. It wouldn't be a bad idea, he decided. After all, it would require spending more time alone and together.

"I should grow a beard and wear a fedora. Let my inner Jason Mraz out," he suggested.

"I love Jason Mraz!" Illyana declared, wrinkling her nose. "I'm Yours was my jam for like, two summers straight."

"2008 - unforgettable year, Illy." Ezra pointed towards the room where they'd be staying. "There will never be another year like it."

Illyana followed him, reaching into her pocket for her iPhone. "I bet you still look back at that year with nostalgia, don't you?"

"Of course! Obama getting elected was historic!" Ezra snickered, opening the door of the room. "Also, Vampire Weekend was officially the it band, don't forget."

Illyana frowned, walking in. "Sure. That too."

Ezra chuckled, closing the door behind them. "I'm kidding, Illy; of course I look at 2008 with nostalgia. It was just like... Dreams coming true in every way."

Illyana turned to Ezra, smiling warmly. "Aww... Enough sappiness, what are we going to do here?"

Well, that's a good question.

"Good question - you answer it," Ezra replied, turning away. He literally had no idea, because, well, this was a shotgun vacation.

Without the shotgun.

"We could go to the beach after," he suggested. "Cape Cod is such a lovely place to walk around in, and I'd love to share that with you."

Illyana walked up to Ezra, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, smiling ever-so sweetly at him. "You know, before I met you, I rarely ever did anything adventurous, even as small as going to Central Park. You activated something dead within me, and you changed me - for the better."

Ezra looked down at her, holding her by the waist, close to himself. His shy, hazel eyes softened, as he leaned in to his her forehead. "You know, Illy, I could say the same. I rarely did anything fun - and if I did, it was for the band..."

He continued. "You know, there's a song that best summarizes how I feel about you."

Illyana raised a brow, smirking. "Really?" She asked amusedly. "Which one?"

Ezra chuckled, nodding. "Hold up," he cleared his throat, then took her hand, placing it with his...

Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted

I fell right through the cracks

Now I'm trying to get back

"Oh my God, Ez!" Illyana chuckled, biting her lip. "You just thought about that, you buffoon!"

Ezra pressed his lips, forming a small smile. "Maybe. But really, that song is how I feel about you. You did me, and believe me, I felt it. But I love it, that's for sure."

Illyana buried her face on his chest, chuckling softly. "You and your way with words."

Ezra wrapped his hands around her back into a hug. "Well, how can I lie about the way I feel about my girl, to my girl?"


[ New York City, JFK Airport ]

"Justin? Love, it's Alexandra. I'm at JFK; I'm back from Paris, and I need you to pick me up..."

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now