You Looked so Virginal

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[ Monday Morning ]

"Yo! Dan! Rolling Stone? What was that all about?" Illyana asked, holding her phone next to her ear.

Dan Auerbach laughed lightly, tuning his guitar. "A little surprise for you, lovely Red. Gwen's being bugging me about you for weeks, I hope you know that. I think she told me something about your Vampire Weekend cover. Guess that's another point for Ezra, huh?"

Illyana rolled her eyes playfully at the mention of her significant other. "Oh please, not like if he did much. He just answered questions which don't exist if I don't ask them. That's all," she shrugged, grabbing a cup out of the cupboard. "Seriously though, I'm quite conflicted about leaving or staying in the Times."

Dan sighed, putting his guitar to the side and grabbing the phone with his hand. "Look, darlin', you should do what will benefit your career. You're talented, you're amazing, you're beautiful. The doors are open for you, Red. The Times isn't a bad gig, trust, but Rolling Stone; that's where you want to be at."

Illyana licked her lips and nodded, processing Dan's words. "I guess you're right. Can't let attachments get in the way of my career, can I?"

"Hey, Il, it gets better. C'mon, look at Pat and I! We once played for a crowd of... Let me see, 10? 20?" Dan counted his fingers for a moment, adding by ten. "A fucking crowd of four."

Illyana laughed happily as Dan recounted his early memory of the Black Keys. "I guess I'll do it. I've no other option but up, right?"

Dan nodded, smiling as his best girl made her final decision. "Fuckin' right, darling."


[ Monday Afternoon - en route to Italy ]

"We're fucking sold out!" Ezra announced, slamming his hands on the table.

"Yeah!" Baio said, high-fiving CT, while Rostam clapped.

Ezra smiled as he looked into his laptop, reading the reviews and such, of their last concert.

Just a little over six years ago, the boys had been touring around the US in a secondhand van, too tired to perform at times, and in minuscule venues.

"Guys, they're going insane over us," Rostam said. "Seriously - us!"

"It's amazing," Ezra added, smiling with hope.

"Do you think the tour will be extended?" CT asked, tracing circles on the small table in front of them.

Ezra sighed, looking out the window, seeing the clouds below them. "I sure hope not, CT..."

Rostam shrugged at CT. "Don't remind him, idiot. Y'know he's got his lady-in-waiting. They're supposed to be reunited in two weeks, right, Ez?"

Ezra nodded, looking blank. "Yeah."

Baio yawned, extending his arms. "It's been nearly one month and a week - I don't think I'll be able to handle much longer. It's exciting and tiresome."

"Hey, Ez, about last night..." CT started, pressing his lips together.

"Oh, yeah! Talk about weird," Rostam said, crossing his arms. "She seemed rude and solely invested in bedding you."

Ezra squirmed around in his chair, feeling uneasy about the topic. "Yeah, heh, talk about wild fan."

Rostam furrowed his brow, eyeing Ezra intensely. "No, Ezra, the girl isn't a fan - she's a groupie with a fucking career. Dude, you've gotta be careful; one of these days, she might pop out again, or you may have to deal with other crazed groupies, and they can hurt your relationship with Illy."

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