No Alexandra No

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Author's Note: Wow. As I write this, I'm still in utter shock. When I see this, I still can't believe it hit 10k reads in a span of three months. It's so surreal that there's actually people who LIKE this book. I never, ever thought writing this would make me infinitely happy, and seeing your feedback update after update [ no matter how shit the chapter is ] is always major support and brings a great smile to my face [ seriously, I wake up to amazing replies AND when I'm in public, I must look creepy ]. All of you are the reason this book has gotten to where it is. Every single person who has opened it and enjoyed - even those who didn't. Thank you so much. You guys made this book, not myself. This chapter [ and every single other one ] is dedicated to you, my dear, lovely, and beautiful readers. I love you all, and see you next chapter.

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[ Upper West Side, Manhattan ]

"So, this brother of yours, eh?" Ezra and Illyana walked through Justin and Alexandra's building hall, hand in hand. "What is he like?"

Illyana shrugged, trying to think of an adjective that accurately described Justin. "Protective. Douche. Handsome, as in sex bomb - sounds horrible coming from me." Illyana pointed at the apartment. "Here." Quickly, she turned to him and gave him a serious look. "You're about to go into my family cage - my mom, brother, and sister - they're all insane. Lucky for you, my brother's girlfriend is new to this circus too," she chuckled softly. "I'm serious; my family is hell."

"Well, those are encouraging words," Ezra quipped. "Relax, Illy. You're making them sound horrible!" He scratched his nose and looked towards the door nervously. "Buut, I am glad I'm not the only newbie here."

Illyana rolled her eyes, tugging him by the lapels of his suit and dragging him. "You're gonna end up having fun after a while."

Ezra quirked his brow, looking at her strangely. "I thought you said I was going to go through hell and whatnot. I'm starting to think those are lies and you're just trying to scare me, bambina."

Illyana scoffed, running her hand down her hair. "Oh please, if I wanted to scare you away, I would tell you I've got vaginal warts or something."

"What...?" Ezra's face became blank and his eyes blinked really fast.

"I'm kidding! It's not true, idiot. Shaking my fucking head." She shook her head and face palmed. "I've some dark sense of humor."

"I thought I was fucked for a moment. Heh," Ezra chuckled, still quite scared. "Okay, okay, go knock!" Ezra commanded, placing his palms together. "I'm not nervous. Not at all."

Illyana scoffed and walked to the door, knocking as loudly as she could - no single fucks I give, she thought. "My mom can read people like a book. She'll probably guess you're dying slowly on the inside due to the lack of air, love," she replied quite sarcastically.

Morgan rapidly opened the door and tackled her sister. "Get in. Those two are full of themse - omg, is that Ezra?" She whispered into Illyana's ear, and then quickly glanced at Ezra, who innocently waved hello. "Hi!" Morgan greeted him, waving back. She walked towards him, extending her hand. "I'm Morgan, 'yana's sister. The smallest and smartest."

Ezra shook her hand and grinned widely at her introduction. Instantly, he could tell she was quiet sassy. "I'm Ezra, Illy's boyfriend. The best and last."

Morgan turned to Illyana and winked. "He's gonna marry you, bitch!"

"Nice," Illyana frowned. "Glad you two hit it off. Now get your sass asses in," she ordered.

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now