Bella Italia

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[ Italy ]

"Isn't this place just beautiful?" Katie Baio asked, marveling at her surroundings. "It's just so... Magnificent."

Chris chuckled lightly at his wife's love of the newly arrived destination. Behind him, Ezra and Illyana nodded in sync. The two couples were walking through the hall of the reserved hotel, simple yet elegant.

"Emily and Chris are extremely lucky. Not every gets such an amazing wedding venue. Oh, and it looks so simple! It's extremely indie," Illyana replied enthusiastically. She'd been granted a leave of absence at work for two weeks; one, for the wedding, which came with the condition of exclusive photos for RS from the wedding; and two, due to the boys RS provided photo shoot with David Titlow would take place in California in the course of the week after.

Needless to say, Emily wasn't all that excited that Chris would be heading to California right after the wedding.

"We'll be in our room the rest of the afternoon. But I think we'll be free later tonight. We could do something, who knows?" Ezra put his hands in his pockets, placing the luggage on the floor. He took the key to the room out while Illyana stood in back of him. "Italy is such a lovely place. It'd be a real shame if we didn't go out," she added.

Katie smiled and nodded. "Perhaps once we get settled down? I don't think CT or Emily are going to join us though." She turned her glance over to Baio. "The day before the marriage is such nerve wrecking, I don't even blame them for being hermits in the past few days." She giggled slightly.

Illyana, too, giggled, barely hugging Ezra's arm. "Well, they've an excuse. But I expect to see the two of you with us later."

Ezra his head back, slowly pushing the door open. "Who knows; maybe we'll find some of Baio's long lost family members here," he quipped, spotlighting Baio's Italian ancestry.

Baio half smiled, stepping out towards Illyana and whispering, "His family comes from Transylvania; beware with those neck kisses. There's a reason we are Vampire Weekend."

Illyana giggled at Baio's pun, while Katie rolled her eyes playfully, softly punching his shoulder. "Come along, love. We've got to settle in before we can go out." Mrs. Baio picked up her bags and smiled goodbye, motioning for Baio to do the same. "I'll see you both later!"

"Bye!" Ezra exclaimed pushing in the bags. He looked up at Illyana and smiled brightly - god, how it killed her. "I bet you're tired from the trip," he said. Quickly, he tossed the bags by the side of the door, allowing Illyana to walk in with the lighter bags. Her high heeled boots clicked against the wood floor. "Very," she replied. "I mean, it's kind of my fault - but also not really. But it sort of is." A small smile tugged at her lips. "I'm fighting to keep my eyes wide open."

Ezra chuckled, putting his hands into his pockets. The dark haired man child walked over to his girl, slowly, smiling as he did so. "I'm so happy I've got you all to myself this weekend," he confessed, taking her hand. "I was starting to worry with all those work days." Ezra sighed, turning his head towards the window.

"See - your gig at Rolling Stone has -"

"Had me running wild, yes," Illyana cut in, looking away. "It's what I've always wanted to do, though."

Ezra stopped and nodded. "I'm here for you, though. I'll travel with you if I need to," Ezra replied, bringing Illyana closer. "I can't believe CT's getting married."

Illyana pressed her lips, nodding in agreement. "He didn't know what the future held. Isn't it funny? How one small thing can change your life." She let a chuckle out of her red lips, looking towards the windows, as the sun settled down.

"To think that I only met you because Wesley wanted to get drunk that night." Ezra laughed, allowing his eyes to wrinkle slightly. "C'mon, we should get ready to go out. It takes you forever."

Illyana gasped, faking surprise. "Please, I'm faster than 'Mr. I-Need-To-Find-The-Perfect-Rolex-For-The-Occassion', don't you know?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Not all Rolex go with all occasions!" Ezra protested, standing his ground.

"Mhmm, they sure don't..."

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