Lighten Up!

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Jack looked at Illy, admiring her unmoved determination.

"And how are you gonna do that?" He asked, grabbing a towel to clean the counter.

Illyana furrowed her brow, thinking about her ambitious plan. "He isn't the Chris Brown type. He doesn't have ginormous gorilla-guards with him."

"How do you know? He could have them there, hidden."

"Well... Most indie singers are less known than mainstream musicians. Hell, I hadn't heard of Vampire Weekend 'til today. Look, just trust me, will ya? I swear, if it doesn't work, I'll leave - not before tipping ya', of course!" Illy said, flashing Jack a smirk.

Jack chuckled, shaking his head. "Fine. I'm just awaiting that tip anxiously."


Up in the second floor, Ezra Koenig drank with a few buddies, including Ra Ra Riot's Wes Miles.

But while Wes and Company talked, drank and laughed, Ezra looked around the place, completely bored and paying little to no attention to the conversation. He only held the nearly full can of beer in his hands.

"Ez, man, lighten up!" Wes said, nudging Ezra in the arm.

Ezra smiled sadly, nodding softly. "Yeah. I'm just tired, man, and I've got things running around in my mind."

Wes cocked a brow, unsure of what to say.

"Y'know, if you don't feel comfortable, you can go."

Ezra thought about it for a minute.

"Let me go make a quick call. I'll be right back."

Ezra got up from his spot, leaving the can in the small table. Wes shrugged, grabbing Ezra's can and chugging it down.

Ezra hurried down the stairs, looking at the people surrounding him.

Everyone is having a great time


[ Downstairs ]

Illyana was walking towards the stairs that led to Ezra's entourage when she saw, and instantly recognized, Ezra walking towards her direction.

"Holy Marcus Mumford," she gasped, unsure as to how she was to approach the famed singer.

Ezra took his phone out, checking the time. It was only 8:40, much to his dismay.

"Fucking buzzkill. After all this time, I'm still awk-"

"M-mister Koenig?" Illyana asked, standing right in front of Ezra's way. Ezra looked up from his phone only to find a sweet looking redhead.

"Yeah, that's me," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Even after all this time, Ezra felt quite shy around female fans - and females in general.

"I'm a huge fan. My name is Illyana and I would like to praise you on the perfect album. Seriously, Modern Vampires is perfect."

Ezra smiled, putting his phone away.

"Ah, a fan! It's always a pleasure to actually meet one. I'm flattered, Ms. Illyana, thank you very much," the Columbia grad said, standing on tipi toes.

Illyana smiled back, not until this point realizing that Google had done no justice to the man's look - he was extremely handsome in person.

"I really have a ton of questions concerning the, um, lyrics of the songs. All of the songs. Really," Illy said, hoping the man would say something - anything!

Ezra nodded, trying to prevent a smirk from forming in his lips. "Tell you what," he said, rubbing his chin.

"I'll tell you all about myself and the songs and the band if we get out of here. It's noisy, boring, plain and cold."

Illyana's eyes widened; not only would Ezra Koenig be talking to her today, but it'd be an 'exclusive' of sorts.

"Sure! Let me just go pay my dues. It won't be long, promise." Illyana took off, grabbing her money from the bag.

Jack was tending a few clients with deep sorrows when Illy slammed the money on the counter.

"The drink AND tip!" She said, looking triumphant.

Jack looked at the money, then at Illy, then back at the money, then right back at Illy.

"I got him. Ezra Koenig. Right over there. He's agreed to talk to me," Illyana said, pointing discreetly towards Ezra.

Jack looked truly shocked - little girl had done it. "I applaud you!" He said enthusiastically.

Illyana bowed, a sly smile drawn on her plump lips. "Thank you!" She said. "Look, I gotta run! But it was fun meeting ya!" Illy chuckled.

"It was great meeting you too, Red. Take care and keep in touch, will you? I'll find your blog, got it?"

Illy smiled widely and nodded. "Sounds like a plan! See ya around, Jack!" She turned on her heels and walked back to Ezra, who seemed to be holding a call.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, bro. Sorry, tonight's a little boring and, well, not to bum you out but I got plans. Ha, you too, man. Bye."

Illy looked at Ezra, standing up straight. "Oh, I had no idea you had plans with someone else."

Ezra put his phone away and shook his head. "Oh, but I do! They're with you, bambina! The other plans would require me to look enthusiastic about not being enthusiastic."

"Huh. Never heard of such plans," Illy said, looking at Ezra.

Bambina? Is that some cute name he gives to all girls?

Ezra held his arm out for Illyana to lock hers in. "Ready?" He asked, smiling.

Don't melt, Romanov.

"Yeah!" She said enthusiastically. She wrapped her arm around his, slightly flushed.

Ezra led them out the door, keeping Illyana close. "Mind walking four blocks with me?" He asked with a chuckle. "Or is your clock ticking?" He raised a brow.

"Not at all," Illy said softly.

The twosome walked down the New York City lights, giggling at everything Ezra said.

Perhaps I should start listening to Vampire Weekend.

I'm Not Excited [DISCONTINUED; REBOOTED]Where stories live. Discover now