Shattered Wings- Prologue/Introduction

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Hey guys!

This is my first fanfic.. Sorry if it isn't so good.

Yes, it is Teen Wolf.

Edit: this fic is starting to be rewritten (not many story changes, mostly grammatical changes) on august 25, 2018. wig!


My name is Isabel Cannenta. I'm a somewhat average 16 year old sophomore living in Beacon Hills. My parents divorced a long time ago, so now it's just my dad and I. My dad works at the local hospital so he's barely ever around-- which I'm happy about. He isn't the best at parenting... let's just say Isaac Lahey and I have something in common. Thank goodness makeup exists. Isaac vents his problems to me, and I help clean his wounds. I'm also friends with Erica, but I don't talk to her that much either. I know what to do when she has seizures, and whenever she has one I'm always there to make her feel better and let her vent out her problems. I like helping people, being nice-- I try not to take sides in arguments. 

One night I went into the woods searching for half of a dead body with my two best friends, Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. I love Stiles. I've had a crush on him since basically forever, but he's too in love with Lydia. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Lydia-- occasionally her kindness is exposed under that cold exterior of hers. 

Beginning of sophomore year is when my life took a gigantic turn into the supernatural world.


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Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now