Chapter Seventeen- Being Sober.

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I'm currently sitting in the jeep. Being the sober one. Hurray.

Let me update you. Allison decided she should "take a break" with Scott. Also known as, break up with him. This happened after the wonderful event at the school. Note my sarcasm. She could obviously tell Scott was lying basically the whole night, and said she couldn't trust him. Now I am one for girl power, but they're both meant for each other. They love each other so much, sometimes it even gets annoying how much they talk about each other.

Back to now. Stiles is getting Scott drunk, which is supposedly helping him get over Allison. I have never drunk alcohol before, and I want to be able to drive, so I'm waiting for them to get back to the Jeep. Honestly, I think Scott and Allison will get back together. It'll just take a little time.

The car door opened and I was awakened from my thoughts by Stiles falling into the passenger seat. I looked down at him confused then back up at Scott. Who slammed the door and started walking away. I rolled my eyes. I told him he wouldn't get drunk because of his wolf abilities and stuff. Intoxication can hurt your body and when you have a supernatural ability to heal that probably won't happen.


"It's just weird. Everybody's talking about what happened the other night and nobody knows it was us." Allison started just after the bell rang.

"I'm glad. Honestly, I'm good without the creepy stares and the sorrow looks." I said looking between the two.

Lydia smiled, "Thank you for the protection of minors."

I snorted.

"Guys, do you think I made the wrong decision?" The brunette asked. Here we go again. I feel so bad. Both Scott and Allison are having trouble with this stuff.

"That jacket with that dress? Absolutely." Lydia scoffed.

"You know what I mean." Allison looked over, dropping her arms.

"Hello! Scott left us in the classroom and left us for dead. He's lucky we're not pressing charges. Or major therapy bills." Lydia rolled her eyes.

I sighed as the bell rang and started walking to class. Scott was protecting us from himself. Not getting us killed.


"You have 45 minutes to finish this test. You can earn 25% of the grade just by signing your name on the test. However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover and I will be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So. Let's get the disappointment overwith. Begin." Mr. Harris lazily said.

I smiled and flipped the book open and skimmed the questions. I luckily studied in the midst of this werewolf drama. I grinned and started marking answers left and right. This is so easy.

I looked over at Scott. He was looking around really uncomfortably. What the hell was going on with him? I leaned over and tapped Stiles shoulder and pointed at Scott.

I swallowed as Scott started to run out of the class. Stiles then followed. I hope they'll be alright.


I turned around the hallway and saw Stiles.

I smiled, "Hey Stiles!"

He turned his head and grinned, "Oh, hey Iz. You have, I don't know, supernatural hearing right? Can you listen in to the office right there?" He scratched his neck and pointed to Coaches office.

I squinted and looked back at him, "You want me to do this why?"

"Scott is seeing if Lydia likes me. Sensing sexual attraction. Can you hear what they're saying?" He asked.

I sighed, "I'll try."

I focused my hearing into Coaches office, hearing Scott and Lydia's voices. I then heard.. kissing noises?

I then snapped back into reality.

"So? What are they saying?" Stiles grinned at me.

I laughed a little, "Uh, gotta go watch you play! See you on the field." I quickly walked away. Oh my god. Lydia and Scott made out. 


But also, how could Scott do that to Stiles?

sorry for the mini chapter! It's all I can stand writing on mobile. But just 4 more days until my laptop arrives in the mail! Sorry for the huge wait! Please vote and stuff if you want.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now