Chapter One- Why Are We Searching for Dead Bodies.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf, but Isabel is a character I made up.


I groaned and shoved my pillow over my ears when I heard a sound outside.

It's just a bird, or something.. I need to get sleep for hel- I mean school tomorrow. Why must noises only be scary when I'm trying to sleep.

A loud banging noise came from the balcony. I slowly got out of bed, praying that whatever or whoever is outside doesn't notice. Grabbing my metal bat, I sneakily creeped over to the balcony door. I took some deep breathes. You have a bat, it isn't a murderer. What is the worst that can happen... besides being strangled to death on your own balcony. Oh god. I really need to sleep. I thought, to hell with it, and slammed the door open and hit the shadowy figure with my baseball bat.


I hit the person in their "area"... if you know what I mean.


I stopped hitting him and sent a slight smile as if to say, sorry?

"What is it with baseball bats, anyway? Do you and Scott even play baseball?"

I rolled my eyes at him and looked down the balcony. There stood Scott, awkwardly waving at me.

"Don't you both have lacrosse tomorrow? You should be getting some sleep, being up this late isn't good for your health."

They both glanced at me, with a hint of surprise. Scott had a little bit of "I know right" in his glance too.

Stiles cleared his throat and said, "I know it's late, but listen to this. I saw my dad leave about thirty minutes ago. Dispatch call. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon department and even the state police."

I glanced at them both with a questioning look.

Scott rolled his eyes at the sight of Stiles getting excited about this.

"Two joggers found a dead body in the woods. Get this-- they only found half. Don't even know if it was just a murder, an animal attack, or something else."

I looked at Scott wide eyed, and asked, "Let me guess, since you guys are here you want me to help you find the other half?"

They both nodded, and Stiles said, "Come on, Isabel. It'll be fun! If we do find it, there'll be something to remember as the beginning of our sophomore year."

Yup, a lifetime of nightmares to start the school year off! Great memory! I thought.

I glanced at him obviously annoyed, and said, "I'll be back in five minutes, I don't think it's appropriate for me to go looking for a body in the woods in my pajamas."

I can't say no to Stiles, although I really didn't want to spend my night looking for half of a dead body. But I have had a crush on him since the third grade.. and whenever we talk I get a butterfly feeling in my stomach. Only Scott knows about this crush of mine, and I'm surprised he's hid it for so long-- he's terrible at hiding secrets.

When I got in, I decided on wearing a black t-shirt that was two sizes too big for me that Scott got for me on my birthday last year, a dark green flannel, some black leggings, and purple Doc Martens. I glanced outside to see Stiles glancing into my room, only for him to quickly back away and go down my balcony when he noticed I saw him. I decided to take the stairs down, and go out the back door, because I would rather not break my legs trying to jump off my balcony and have to ride in a wheelchair for all of sophomore year.

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