Chapter Six- Fire Extinguishing, Sorta.

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I sat in the car, just thinking. I couldn't drive home, not yet. I have to wait for a little while. But I was prepared for this. I had my first-aid kit, extra clothes in the back, my phone, and my wallet.

I started to get the tingly feeling in my eyes again and a bit lightheaded. A sudden pain went through my brain, and I grabbed my head. I started shaking, and gasped as I started to have a vision, or a dream of some sort.

"Where is she?!" Scott yelled, in werewolf form.

"She's safe. From you." Derek said.

It was like I was there. I walked over to Scott and waved my hand in front of his eyes. Nothing. Did they even know I could see this?

Scott looked around, and I saw Allison's jacket hanging from the tree. Of course he went looking for Allison, there's an example of 'young love' at it's finest. Sigh.

Derek grabbed Scott and they both growled, fighting. They started rolling down a hill together, and I had to run to keep up. Even in visions I'm still as short as Yoda. Great!

Derek pushed Scott down with his hand on his chest.

"What did you do with her?" Scott said.

But there were other voices while he said that. I guess Derek noticed too,

"Shh. Be quiet," He looked around, "Too late. They're already here. RUN."

Derek took off, leaving Scott wondering what the hell to do.

Unfortunately I didn't have much choice to choose whether to follow Derek or to stay with Scott, because an arrow flew through me and hit the tree. When a burst of light exploded from it, I realized, a flash grenade was attached to it.

Hooray, now add that to the 'What the hell?' list. Werewolf hunters I assume. Woo-hoo. It's a party.

Scott obviously didn't know what the hell was going on, because he looked like he could barely see while I was fine. He looked around, very confused, until an arrow flew into his right arm, making him stick to the tree right next to him.

He yelled in pain. Why am I seeing this? I can't help at all. 

"PULL THE ARROW OUT OF YOUR ARM AND RUN!" I yelled, trying to help in some way.

He looked around the forest, as if he was wondering where that came from. Did it work?

I didn't have time to figure that out either, because Derek came out of nowhere again. He's like my period, popping out of nowhere. He looked around, and knocked two of the hunters down.

Who's the guy in the middle, who shot Scott in the arm?

Derek broke the arrow out of Scott's arm, and pulled him to run. I rolled my eyes and groaned, running behind them.

They stopped after a couple minutes, thank God. My legs were starting to hurt. This is supposed to be a vision, and I'm still out of shape.

I suddenly came back to reality, and put my car in reverse, driving to Beacon Hills preserve. Hunters. Werewolf hunters. That's worse than Scott trying to bowl.

I went down the road, looking on both sides, seeing if Scott decided to pop out of nowhere when I looked in the rearview mirror.

The cuts on my face. They weren't gone but they weren't fresh... Did I become a werewolf too? Or a magical unicorn that can heal faster than average and see things. I don't remember being bitten, and I certainly did NOT try to kill my high school crush tonight.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now