Chapter Thirteen- Hunters And School.

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Today, for the first time ever, I disliked school because of something besides arrogant guys.

No, not because of classes, my period, or homework. I was on the news.

That's right. The news. And apparently my face being on a television screen for five seconds gives everyone the right to stare at me weirdly at school. The sorrow looks, the weird looks, the 'At least I wasn't attacked last night!' looks.

And to top that? I had another weird dream last night. It was of Allison's aunt, Kate. It wasn't scary. Just her giving Allison a pendant and apologizing. The necklace did have a wolf on it and stuff, and obviously had something to do with hunting, but did it really matter? It's just a necklace. 

Anyways, back to school. It has now been six seconds of depressing looks. But hopefully you know me well by now. Positive, positivity, la fermenté.

Ignoring the popular look of sympathy, I walk by Allison and Scott. Aw, they're such cuties. I snort a little when I see the locker full of balloons and a card. Thanks to myself hacking into the school systems and getting Allison's birthday, Lydia somehow got into her locker and set up some stuff. I, however, chose to not go to school late at night and get caught.

I snap out of my thoughts to see the two lovebirds walking the wrong way to class. Skipping? Totally not the Scott I know, but young love does things to you I guess. Probably not his best idea too considering Allison's family can just grab a gun from their pockets and shoot him. However, they should have fun couple moments while they still can.


I started walking to class when I got this sudden pain in my head.

What the heck? Oh wai- Am I having a vision? Seriously? Right now? You've got to be kidding me.

I quickly made my way into the nearest bathroom. I looked around and kicked every stall door open. Good. Finally, something good has happened to me today. I locked the door to the bathroom itself and stood at the sink, looking in the mirror.

What I got back surprised me. My eyes were glowing pink. Oh my god. This is real, this is not a test to see if I'm really Dauntless like Tris, this IS REAL. NOT A GLASS TANK WITH WATER.

Not being able to hold it back any longer, I finally let go and felt the vision start.

I first saw Derek.

"You should reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly-"

What the hell? It's like I'm losing connection or something.

"You should really-really take that-at necklace off."

I then saw my necklace, just sitting there. On my neck.

The image then switched to a man in a hospital with half of his face burnt off.

All I could see was the image slowly being zoomed in with someone talking in the background.

"My-y mind was literally burnt outtt of me. The Argents burn-urn-urnt our house dowwn."

I was suddenly shot back into reality.

"Well, that was different." I mumbled to myself, checking the time.

I'm late to class.

I got out of the bathroom and saw the man himself walking down the hallway. Jackson Whittemore.

I smiled and waved, "Hey Jackson. You headed to class?"

He looked at me for a split second and mumbled some sort of agreement. I struggled to keep up with his pace.

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