Chapter Thirty-Two- Eventful Walk

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After Derek oh-so-scarely walked away, I was left alone to dry off and get my purse I left on the bleachers. Oh, and jump back into the water and get my now destroyed phone. My dad is going to kill me. Literally.

On the bright side... Okay. Not finding a bright side here.

As I walked out from the field and to the parking lot I realized-- I had no ride. Oh dear. I drove here with Lydia, and guess who ditched me. Lydia! Great, just great.

I groaned and pulled out my phone to realize it wasn't usable and slipped it back into my purse.

I put my hands on my arms, "It is FREEZING out here. If only I had planned out to bring extra clothing because I was going to jump into a pool to help a guy who doesn't even trust me stay alive and also not get clawed up by a kanima! Whatever the hell that even IS." I mumbled that last part. Don't need any nearby security cameras thinking I'm a psycho person.

"I have a jacket, if you want, I mean--"

I stopped. Turned around. Holy shit.

It's Stiles freakin' Stilinski.

"Stiles? What even-- weren't you supposed to get a ride with Scott?" I exclaimed.

He walked over and pulled me back to the sidewalk, "First of all, let's not get hit by a car. This night has been eventful enough. And I knew Lydia would probably ditch you since I broke her heart, so. I stayed."

I smiled, "That's nice. Really nice."

He smiled, then made a face of realization, "OH, that coat offer. Here ya go."

I took it from him, "Are you sure? I mean, what if you get a cold? That wouldn't be good. Or hypothermia? Or--"

"Just take it. I'm fine, really." Stiles interrupted.

I squinted my eyes in realization, "So.. if Scott drove you here, how were you planning to get us home?"

His eyes widened and he opened his mouth a couple times as if he was going to explain.

I nodded a couple times, "You didn't think about that part, did you?"

He put his lips together in embarassment, "Nope."

I laughed, "Another point for Isabel. I beat you at explaining that Superman would survive longer than Batman, and now I figured out just how smart that plan of yours was."

He made a couple noises of shock, "That argument is NOT finished thanks. Batman is still way better than Superman, on so many levels."

I made hand motions, "That isn't even what the argument was, Stiles! And I like to call it more of a professional debate rather than an argument."

He made an annoyed face, "Okay, smart ass. But Batman would survive a lot longer than Superman in a zombie apocalypse."

I rolled my eyes, "We can save this for when we get your Jeep back. For now, I'd like to figure out how we can get home. I'm still freezing with your jacket on, and I need to get home before my dad realizes I'm not back on time. And somehow explain how my phone sunk to the bottom of the swimming pool during a lacrosse game."

He sighed, "Well, I could call my dad-- No, my phone got wrecked too. I could... We could walk home? It's not that far."

I groaned, "If it's the only option, let's get going."

We started walking. It was a bit silent.

"So have you gone to Deaton's yet?" Stiles asked.

I looked at him, "No, no. I'd like to keep it a surprise for myself."

He rolled his eyes, "But really-- why haven't you gone yet? I couldn't find anything online, and I spent hours. Really, hours upon hours of researching and--"

"Hours?" I asked.

He looked over, "Yeah. I guess. Finding out what you are is a big thing on the list right now, and I don't feel like trusting the Obi Wan Kenobi of the supernatural world. You trust everyone, so I assumed you would go."

I put my head in my hands, "But what if he doesn't know anything? What if I'm some sort of evil creature that feeds on people's pain and gets visions of people having pain so they can feed on it? What if-"

Stiles interrupted me by taking my hands and putting them in his. We stopped, and faced each other.

"You're not anything evil. Evil is that lizard thing. Evil is Peter. Evil is somewhat Derek. That's not you." He said meaningfully.

I sighed, "I just don't know, alright? This is all very stressful. The Derek thing, the Gerard thing, the Kanima thing, and me. I don't even know what the hell I am. I don't know if we're all gonna make it out of this alive, hell, and even my home situation's a mess and--"

Stiles grabbed my hands tighter, "Isabel, look at me."

He grabbed my chin and held it there so I looked into his eyes.

"We're all going to get through this, alright? We're going to find out whatever the hell you are, we'll find out who the kanima is and how to make them not murder people, and Derek is dealing with Gerard. I know all your normal friends were turned by Derek, but you still have me and Scott."

I smiled, "Thanks."

He pulled me into a tight hug. After a couple seconds of me sighing and relaxing into it he says,

"What's this home situation you were talking about?"

I widened my eyes in realization. He doesn't know. My dad beating me up. He doesn't know anything. I made a mistake.

I slowly pulled out, "It's nothing. It- it's nothing. My house is just dusty, and with homework and this mess I don't have time to clean it! Let's start walking again."

I started quickly walking again and he started to follow at my fast pace, "Even without a heartbeat detector, I can tell you're lying."

"No, I'm not." I panted out, still speed walking.

"Yes, you are." He said, struggling to keep up with my pace.

I looked to the right, "Oh look, it's my house. Better get going then, goodbye! See you tomorrow."

I started walking up the steps when he grabbed my wrist. I started to fall down backwards and he catched me, our chests touching.

He looked down at me, "You can tell me. What's going on?"

I started to get teary eyed, "I can't. I can't tell you, okay?"

I pushed out of his arms and ran up the steps, looking back, "I'll see you tomorrow, Stiles."

And with that I opened the door, and slid down it as soon as I got inside and closed it.

I ran my hands down my face, getting rid of the tears that threatened to spill down my face. I got up and started to walk up the stairs, when I heard a voice in the kitchen.

"So, did you tell him what I do?"

My dad walked out of the kitchen, a knife in his hand.

"The sheriff's son, did you tell him?"

He grinned.







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