Chapter Five- Pain.

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Allison just nodded, "Alright. I could use a ride since Scott left." She glanced at me.

I just nodded and started following Allison to Derek's car.

I sat in the back, giving Allison the privilege of the front seat. Pulling out my phone, I texted Stiles.

Getting a ride from the party w/ Allison. Told her Scott was having an asthma attack. Hope you can keep Scott under control. -Isabel

Locking my phone, I looked up to see us parked outside what I'm guessing is Allison's house.

She mumbled a quick, "Thank you." to Derek and basically ran to the front door. I wouldn't blame her, she doesn't even know the guy. 

Complete silence until we got to my house, which surprisingly, wasn't too far away. I looked at the driveway.

Two. Cars. Did his shift end early?

I must've stared at it for a while before Derek said, "Isabel? We're here."

I looked at him and smiled, "Thanks for the ride."

Opening the door, and slamming it closed, I waved goodbye and slowly walked to my front door.

My dad's going to kill me if he sees me like this.

I pulled the key to the front door out of my purse and quickly unlocked it, pushing the door open. I took a quick glance around, to notice that he's not to be seen. He must be downstairs or something.

I rushed upstairs, changing into some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. I ran into the bathroom and wiped all my makeup off.

The clock said 10:30. Was the party and drive combined really that long?

Sighing, I went downstairs to get some food. Anything I can bring upstairs will do. My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID,

Sexy Stiles.

I should really stop letting Scott borrow my phone.


"Isabel? Thank God, you're alright. You know Derek? Derek Hale? He's the werewolf. The one that bit Scott, and drove you home. Wait- how did he even get your address?"

"I told him. Also, I can see him being a werewolf. Are you sure he bit Scott? There's got to be more werewolves out there. We heard multiple howls that night."

"Well-- he probably is. Alright? Scott's sure of it. Did Allison get home alright? Scott ran off looking for her, or Derek. I don't know which one. I'm on my way to Allison's house to make sure she's alright."

"Yeah, she got home fine. He dropped her off before me. I'll help you look for Scott."

"No need-- I think I'll be able to find him. Don't leave your house, okay? Just get some rest."

And with that he hung up.

"Isabel? Is that you?" I heard my dad say.


"Um- yeah. Just getting a late night snack. You know, before getting a good night's sleep."

He turned the corner and smiled at me.

"Mind if I join you? We can have a nice chat at the dinner table."

I gulped. Could this get any creepier?

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