Chapter Twenty-Four- Alpha Fight.

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I came back to reality, which I wish didn't happen. Peter was towering over me, looking at me with this weird look. My vision was blurry, so I couldn't exactly see what his expression was. My head fell to the side where I looked at someone's feet. Had someone else joined the life or death fun? Or maybe it's Stiles' shoes.. I don't know.

Suddenly I was picked off the ground.

Gotta stay awake, gotta stay awake. Even if I can barely see.

I felt the slight brush of a claw on my leg. Oh great, Peter's carrying me. But where?

Soon enough, after dipping in and out of conciousness, I heard a car door open and I was layed in the back of a car. This scent.. I'm in Stiles' jeep? Don't worry, I don't have any extra werewolf senses. It just smells a lot like junk food and lacrosse gear.

We started driving. I could heard the rumbling of the car, and felt the slight bumps we went over every few seconds.

"Don't feel bad. If Lydia lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful." Peter said.

"Yeah, and once a month she'll try to tear me apart." Stiles retorted.

I slowly lifted my arm up and put up my pointer finger, "Considering Lydia's a girl, twice a month." I dropped my arm back onto the seat.

I didn't hear a reply, because I started hearing voices. I felt a familiar panging in my head, but no vision.. what the hell?

"You'll drive her to the house in Washington and you'll stay there until I call." Argent?

I heard a laugh, "You kidding me? You're gonna lose your last good player in the last quarter?" Kate.

I heard what seems like glass smash, "Get your things. I want you two on the road, within the hour."

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself, lifting one of my hands to my head. Well, actually, I felt a lot better. 

I sat up to see us drive into a parking lot. I popped my head into the front,

"What parking lot is this?" I asked, quite loudly. Stiles let out a scream, and Peter flinched and quickly leaned away from me, putting his head on one of his hands.

Stiles then continued to park as I put one of his comfy sweaters on. 

Peter grabbed the front of my hoodie and forced me out of the jeep, Stiles soon joining the 'being dragged by your shirt' party.

We walked up to a little gray car. He let us go and started opening the back.

"Who's car is this?" Stiles asked.

"It belonged to my nurse." Peter mumbled.

"What happened to your nurse-" He was soon interrupted by my loud "OH MY GOD" and he shrieked.

He got a bag from under one of her hands, and gave it to Stiles who clutched it for dear life. Can't blame him. I stared at the body for what felt like ages until Peter said, "I got better." And then continued to slam the back door of his nurse's car.

"Good luck getting a signal down here." I said while Peter pulled out a laptop.

"Oh, MiFi. And you're a Mac guy. Does that go for just werewolves or is that just a personal preference?" Stiles added as he held the router in his hands.

Peter stepped back and signalled Stiles to start doing whatever he needs to do on the laptop.

"You might wanna consider switching to PC. You see Windows you can tweak more, and there is much more financial software and games available on there than Mac. Plus when it comes to programming, windows is much-" Stiles hit me on the arm and I stopped. Well, I'm nervous and scared. That makes me ramble.

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