Chapter Seven- Morgue.

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Stiles and I both walked up to the school, dreading the school day.

"You think Scott will be alright? I mean, Finstock is probably going to be very persistent he plays." I ask Stiles.

"Yeah, yeah, he's Scott. You can't help anyways, I don't want you wandering into the boy's locker room and seeing a guy completely naked."

I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't planning on it. Alright. So. The big question."

I turned around to face him, "Who is the best Doctor."

A weird discussion to have in these circumstances, but Stiles seemed so stressed about the whole situation-- he deserved some normality, even if it was only for a few minutes.

"Definitely the current one. He's the youngest person to ever play the Doctor-- plus, his companion's pretty freakin' hot." He grinned.

"That doesn't matter. Ten was definitely the best. The connection him and Rose had, the combined intelligence of him and Martha, the sassiness and intuitiveness of Donna? Definitely the best. He was so random, out there, and his long coat was badass. Not to mention he was a complete nerd, glasses and everything."

"Well- Fezzes are better. So are bow ties. The Eleventh Doctor saved the world with a mop."

"Um, no he didn't. All that did was temporarily stop the dalek in "The Big Bang"."

Stiles opened his mouth to respond, when we were cut off by the bell, signaling that I had to go to Geometry. Yay.

I grinned, "See ya later."

I sat in the back, watching Scott fail at solving a very, very easy problem, while Lydia on the other hand was solving it like it was Kindergarten level math. Sighing, I put my head on my hand, waiting for the day to go by.

As we walked down the hallway I opened my mouth to start talking to Scott, when we were both turned around by two familiar hands.

I smiled, "Hey Stiles."

Instead of being smiley like me, Scott groaned, "What now?"

He just started walking us near the stairs, when Stiles pointed up and looked to Scott,

"Tell me what they're saying."

I decided to listen in to what the Sheriff was saying too. I heard him say to the principal,

"I want everyone under the age of eighteen to be home by 9:30 P.M. We'd like to insitute the curfew to effective immediately."

I was interrupted from listening when Scott turned around, "Curfew because of the body."

I nodded in understanding, I mean, there hasn't been something like this since the Hale fire.

Stiles was disappointed, "Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hanging out, doing whatever he wants."

I looked at him, "We can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek."

"I can do something."

Scott interrupted, "Like what?"

"Find the other half of the body."

I stood there, taking in his idea, when I said, "Okay, number one, not safe. We're not risking your guys' health again from searching for another half of a dead body. Two, we couldn't find it last time we looked."

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