Chapter Twenty-Eight- Why Is Derek Turning All My Normal Friends.

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"Good evening, how may I help.." The lady officer stopped when she saw Derek's smile. Oh god, here we go. I told you, the language of cheekbones.

"...You?" The woman put the files in her hand down, smiling up at him.

Derek grinned, "Yeah, I was wondering if... Sorry, I'm just a little thrown. I wasn't expecting someone-"

I'm pretty sure Stiles and I both barfed a little in our mouths. I tapped Stiles on the shoulder as he was making gagging noises and pointed at his dad's office. He nodded and we both started ninja-ing our way down.

The deputy giggled, "Like me?"

I rolled my eyes and kept slowly walking by.

Derek smiled again, "Oh, I was gonna say so incredibly beautiful, but yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing."

I gagged but slowly pulled out my phone as we ran into the sheriff's office. I quickly snapped a picture of Derek smiling and fist pumped, running back to where Stiles was.

He started entering the passcode, and nothing lit up. That's either very old or not working. I walked up and pulled his hand away, putting my other hand up and opening the safe.

We looked at each other in confusion.

"Oh, shit." I mumbled.

I looked back at Stiles, "You stay here, try and find the keys. Maybe your dad put them somewhere else. I'm gonna go see how much longer Cheekbones can fend the deputy off."

I started walking off when he grabbed my shoulder.

"You can't just go out there. A possible murderer, bow carrying guy could be out there!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, "Allison slowed him down. I'm sure it's fine. Now do your hero-y thing and keep searchin' bud."

I patted his shoulder and rushed out of the room. I then realized I don't remember how to get back to the front. I groaned, putting my head in my right hand.

Starting to walk around, I looked from hallway to hallway.

I walked out to see a Deputy walk out of another room opposite of the one I just walked out of.

"Oh, um.. Just looking for some tampons..?" I gave a nervous smile and then looked down at his knee. Oh god. There's an arrow sticking out of it. One of Allison's.

My eyes widened in realization, "Oh, damn." I started to run the other way but he grabbed me by the back of my shirt, dragging me across the hallway.

He put his hand over my mouth and both his arms under my shoulders as I struggled, trying to break free.

To my left I saw his other hand had a shot in it. Wolfsbane.

"Oh my god."

I turned my head in surprise to see Stiles standing there. He started to rush towards us.

"If you come any closer, I inject this." He grinned.

Stiles suddenly stopped, putting one of his hands through his buzzcut.

As I was slid across the hallway I put my arm out, trying to hit the wall, signal Derek, something. I looked over as my hand hit something. The fire alarm.

I pulled it and the hunter groaned in annoyance, throwing me into the room with the cell Isaac is in.

Or, at least I thought. The cell door was ripped off.

While the hunter stared at the cell door in shock, I stood up and kicked him in the balls, which retorted in him groaning in pain and clutching that area. That didn't last very long as he punched me in the stomach, forcefully letting out the air from my lungs. I stepped on his foot and he dropped the shot of wolfsbane. I looked at it, and my eyes widened.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now