Chapter Forty-Seven- Pure Happiness.

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I stepped out of the McCall home, or-- my home? I guess. Maybe. I don't know. Mrs. McCall has been acting weird around me since the Police Station thing.. I hope she doesn't kick me out.

Anyways, I'm headed to the lacrosse game. (Outfit - )

Finally, a normal, teenager-y thing in my life! Took long enough honestly. I walked out to my little car, got in, plugged in my iPhone, and drove off.

I parked in the school's parking lot and stepped outside. I walked onto the field, avoiding the looks people gave me, walking along the sides to get to the seats. Yes, the whole serial killer dad thing is still going around, and my face is on the news. Honestly. Can people not?

I looked up with wide eyes at the bench. Oh no. Who am I going to sit with? I can't sit with Scott or Stiles, since they're probably both going to play.

"Izzy! Up here!" I heard a sweet voice. I smiled, looking up at Lydia. A friend.

I ran up the steps to her and smiled, accepting her side hug.

"Normally, I wouldn't accept the fandom wear, but you actually made it look good. I approve." She smiled at me.

"Hehe." I said aloud.

"Oh, hey Isabel." I looked over Lydia to see Mr. Stilinski-- or, should I say, the Sheriff next to her.

I smiled and waved beginning to sit down.

"Oh no. Why is my son getting on the field."

I immediately stood up and widened my eyes. There was Stiles, THE STILES STILINSKI, official Beacon Hills bench warmer, on the field.

My mouth turned into a huge smile and I screamed.

"YEAH STILES IS ON THE FIELD." I screamed and started clapping.

I looked around and gave a mean look to the people looking at me weird.

"Get your school spirit on!" I said, lifting my arms signalling them to get up. None of them got up.

I rolled my eyes, sitting back down, "Spirit ruiners."

I smiled, chuckling to myself. Stiles is on the field.

"Scott. Can you hear me?"

Holy shit. Gerard. Luckily he didn't say my name, so I think I'm in the clear.

I continued smiling pretending I couldn't hear him. Wherever he is.

"Ah, you can. Good. Then listen closely because the game is about to get interesting."

I lifted my head up, starting to watch the game. Mostly Stiles.

"Let's put a real clock on this game Scott. We'll give you until the last thirty seconds. When that scoreboard clock begins counting down from thirty if you haven't given me Derek then Jackson is going to kill someone. So tell me Scott, who's gonna die tonight? Should it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you? Or the sheriff, your best friend's father. Or maybe that pretty little blonde who managed to survive torture from one of the most talented hunters alive. Or maybe one of the innocent lives out here tonight with a whole life ahead of them. Or should I do everyone a favor and kill that ridiculous coach? It's up to you Scott, but you are going to help me take Derek down. 'Cause if you don't, I'll have Jackson rip someone's head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood."

I immediately pulled out my phone.

Izzi fo shizzi [To Sourwolf]-

Don't come anywhere near Beacon Hills High School tonight. Gerard is after you. Stay safe.

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