Chapter Thirty- Cute Yet Arrogant Guy

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Derek leaned over the unconcious girl. He studied her, seeing the damage she took and also checking if she was alive. Scott ran over.

"What did you do to her?" Scott yelled. Derek rolled his eyes and looked back at him.

"She'll be fine in time. I'm taking her back to my place. Her abilities are starting to shine through." Derek muttered, moving to pick her up.

Scott stopped him, "No! You're biting all of her normal best friends, and I know you want to bite her and make her apart of your pack. You already have three betas, why make Isabel a fourth!"

Derek exhaled sharply, "She could have so much power if I just gave her one little bite. My pack would be unbeatable."

Scott narrowed his eyes, "She would never help you. Not after biting her only normal friends and hurting her more even when you knew what was going on with her."

Derek sighed. Erica and Isaac actually felt bad for her.

Scott suddenly took one of his best friends in his arms and took off, not looking back.


I groaned for what seemed like the millionth time this week. What's with me and getting knocked unconcious? I'm not a fan of that, thanks.

I slowly opened my eyes and took a look at my surroundings. Oh great. I'm in some sort of building on crappy plastic chairs.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and realized- I shouldn't be sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I practically broke my rib cage and my back. 

"Stiles?" I called out. I waited a couple minutes, no answer. I made an annoyed groan sound and got up, stretching. Ooh, he took my unconscious body to a car shop. Nice.

I opened the door and walked out to see Stiles complaining at some sort of car fixing guy.

"It's gonna be more like fifteen hundred." The guy said sounding pissed off. Oh Stiles, what have you done now.

"Okay just, fix the car." Stiles muttered. When he turned around and looked at me, I smiled and waved. He ran towards me and swooped me into a huge hug.

"Stiles, I'd like to breathe thanks." I let out trying to get some air into my lungs.

He quickly let go, "Yeah, um-- sorry. How are you even walk-- Wait, when did you get up?"

I chuckled, "Okay, first of all, I learned how to walk when I was one and a half. Two, I got up like a minute ago. Any more questions? No? Now, to mine. How did I get here, what happened to me."

Stiles sighed while grabbing my hand, pulling me into the room I was just in. Once he touched the knob his face wrenched in disgust.

"Ew. What even- Great establishment they got here." Stiles mumbled. I laughed a little and picked a little of the substance off of the door handle. Once we got inside I looked at it.

"What even is this? Okay, back to my questions." I said as Stiles pulled out his phone, starting to text Scott.

"One- How did I get here. Two- What happened to me. I've asked these twice-- are you okay?" Stiles' hand started to shake. So did mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for the plastic chair bed, Scott dropped you off with me with no explanation. And I didn't feel comfortable leaving you in the Jeep, so." 

I nodded, smiling a bit.

I looked out to the guy who was fixing the Jeep, and saw a hand with clear claws.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now