Chapter Four- First Full Moon. Great.

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After that little ordeal, Isabel and I just kinda stood there, thinking. We needed to go to the party. To keep an eye on Scott of course.

I cleared my throat, "So, uh, are you going to the party tonight? I mean Lydia would probably kill you if-if you didn't go, right?"

"Yeah, I mean- I wasn't planning on it, I was going to use a lame excuse or something I guess. You know, since you aren't going."

Did she mean that in a relationship way? Or just as friends? God damnit, I can't get my hopes up. My friend's a freakin' werewolf.

"Oh- um, well would you like to go with me? Just- just as friends of course, right? I mean, we could just not go together and just keep an eye on Scott-"

She cut me off, "Yeah, I-I'll go with you. Yes. That is a thing we are doing, together. To help Scott."

"Yeah, yeah. For Scott."

There was an awkward silence.

"So, I'll see you there? Or-"

I cut her off, "NO- I mean no, I'll pick you up at seven."

She chuckled, "Alright. Seven it is. Bye Stiles."

She walked away, with that beautiful blonde hair of her's bouncing along with her. I actually have a chance.




I mentally slapped myself in the face after walking into my car. Just friends? Great save, Isabel.

I hit my head on the steering wheel, accidentally honking at a random pedestrian. They flipped me off and ran across the street. 

I drove down the street to my house.

There was a car parked. My dad's car.

I mentally prayed that he was just on a walk, or in his office or something.

I checked my phone, and remembered I had to meet Isaac. Saved by the bell, I guess.

Mental note: Thank Isaac when you meet him at the library.

I texted Isaac-

Hey Isaac, driving to the school library now. Should be there soon. Thanks by the way, you saved me from an awkward situation. -Isabel

I parked my car, and walked to the school library. I saw him sitting at one of the tables, but so were those Senior guys. Not at the same table, thankfully, but still there. I looked down into my bag, pretending to grab something, and walked to Isaac, choosing the seat facing away from them.

I smiled and waved, "Hey Isaac."

He looked at me surprised, "And she speaks! Never thought I would hear your voice. It does sound a little crackly though. Glad you're talking again."

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now