Chapter Thirty-Nine- So What?

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"Are you sure?" Scott asked at the door of my bedroom.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and walked up to him, "Of course. I probably have A minuses by now from all my missing assignments. And if those are on my semester reports then I won't get into a good college. And no good college equals no job and--"

"Calm down. We're only sophomores." Scott chuckled.

"You have nothing to say mister I'm-going-to-fail-sophomore-year. Can you even spell sophomore?" I questioned.

He opened his mouth to answer and closed it, looking confused.

I smiled, "That's what I thought. Now let's get downstairs, I have to get to school on time."

He muttered something like 'okay sassy pants' but I didn't let it bother me. Finally. School with no cuts, burns. And actual learning! Today is a day to celebrate. I'll stop studying fifteen minutes early tonight. 

Once Scott walked out, Peter appeared.

"You really wanna go to that dump?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut.

He just appeared next to me and walked with me to the stairs.

"I mean really. High school? Downer. And you just got out of the hospital. You really aren't fun." He sighed.

"You aren't either." I muttered.

"She speaks! Never thought I would hear a reply from you while I'm stuck in this pretty head of yours." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Speaking of pretty heads, when are you gonna talk to that boyfriend of yours?" He asked.


I haven't spoken to him.. At all really...

Not that I don't want to. But I don't know what he thinks of me now. Am I different to him? Am I weird now? I probably am now to those little in-class friendships I had. Oh well. Who needs friends when you have a psychotic werewolf STUCK IN YOUR MIND!

Fun. Fun. Fun.

"Psychotic? I'd like to think of myself as more of an intelligent, good-looking werewolf." Peter pouted.

Anyways, back to Stiles. He's called me like, a billion times. But I decline every time. I know, stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I just don't know what to say! What would I say? 'Oh, I'm okay! My house is burnt down and my murderous, psychotic dad is on the loose but I'm fine!'

Gosh. My life is a wreck.

"I can agree with you on that one."


Stares. Looks. No one moved the minute I entered the school doors.

They all just stopped, stared.

I suddenly grew angry, "What the hell are you all looking at! Get a life people!"

And then, the crowd dispersed.

I walked to my locker, taking out the necessary books, when a couple notes fell out.

Sorry for such a huge accident in your life. Keep being positive, life will get better! -Finstock

My prayers are towards you and friends. -Vice Principal

Get better sweetheart. Allison is missing you. -Gerard

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