Chapter Thirty One- Keeping Miguel Above Water.

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I then heard annoyed mumbling come from behind me. I looked and saw Erica dragging Stiles beside me by his ear. Erica let him go when he stood next to me and walked next to Derek, who was holding a basket ball for some reason.

Derek smiled, "So, what did you two see at the mechanic's garage?"

I smiled back, "Several serious EPA violations that I'm going to report. Including the goop on the door handle that paralyzes you from the neck down, the dirt everywhere, the-"

Derek so rudely interrupted me by chuckling and clawing the basket ball to where it deflates.

"Holy god." Stiles exclaimed from beside me. We glanced at each other and gulped.

"Let's try that again." Derek said seriously.

I started to feel a pain on my leg. Looking down, I muttered, "What the hell" and Stiles looked at me in concern. The pain then started to fade away. Scott or Boyd must've healed. Or maybe someone else.

Stiles started off, "Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking. Skin was dark, kind of patterened. Uh, I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Cause I have someone I really need to talk to."

Derek and Erica just gave us glares. Alrighty then.

"The eyes were yellow, and sorta slitted. It also had a tail. Oh, and a lot of teeth. A lot of sharp teeth. Very scary. Even more than Miguel over here." I said while crossing my arms.

They both started looking up. I furrowed my eyebrows. I looked up, and my eyes widened. It was the lizard thingy.

"Are we good? Wait- have you seen it? You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I'm talking about." Stiles said in surprise.

I hit his arm multiple times and pointed at the reptilian.

Stiles mumbled an "Oh my god" and the monster screeched as we ran to stand next to Sourwolf. He's the alpha, he can protect us little humans.

Derek immediately went into werewolf mode and leaned down, growling. The lizard swung his tail at Erica making her fly across the room, knocking her out. Well that's helpful.

Derek looked back at us and pushed Stiles away, "Run!"

The reptilian swiped at his neck, making a little cut. Oh god, I know what that means. Derek went into human form and looked around confused.

"Derek, your neck." I said. As he started to fall, I felt the same feeling, but slower. It was starting at my hands, they couldn't move. Stiles reached out to grab Derek and walk as fast as he could away.

"Isabel, why aren't you following us!" Stiles exclaimed from the middle of the room.

I looked at him, then back at my hands, which were shaking.

"It's her ability. She's becoming paralyzed like me." Derek said sounding tired.

"Oh, great." Stiles and I mumbled at the same time. The lizard seemed to ignore me and started lingering after Derek and Stiles.

Stiles started to walk over to me with Derek but the reptilian started faster after them.

"Run, call Scott!" I yelled.

He seemed to get the message as he sped across the side of the pool, getting his phone out. It slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor, and Derek fell into the pool.

I then felt my legs shaking and I fell to the floor, completely useless. 

I could hear Stiles from the pool as he kept Derek from drowning, "I don't see it. Maybe it ran off."

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now