Chapter Twenty-Two- Torture.

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"Hey. Wake up." I heard a voice say to me.

I slowly woke up and felt my wrists in chains. I looked down with groggily vision, so were my ankles.

"You awake?" What is that voice.. Derek?

I blinked a couple times and looked over.

"What am I doing here? Where are we anyways?" I asked.

"Kate brought you here an hour ago." Derek replied.

I let out a deep breath, "Last thing I remember was.. I was dress shopping with Allison and Lydia. I left early, I went outside.." And then I remembered.

"What? What happened?" Derek retorted.

"I saw Kate and started talking to her. I couldn't help it, I thought it would be rude if I didn't. I saw her get a needle out of her bag and I ran, but she caught up to me. You know the rest."

He sighed. I looked down at my stomach, there was.. wires? attached to it.

"What are those." I said, looking down at my stomach.

"They electrocute you. The dial determines how much electricity goes through these wires."

I let out a shaky breathe, "Well, that isn't scary. Note the sarcasm."

"There's a guy that comes down here every once and a while and hits me with a bat, sometimes plays with the dials, and possibly some other stuff."

"Oh, great." I added.

"Can you trigger a vision?" Derek asked.

I looked at him, "What good would that do? I don't think Scott worrying about how he's going to get into the formal will help us at all. And I can't just trigger them, they just happen."

"I've heard you. On Scott's second full moon. On his first. We both could hear you."

I swallowed, "Yeah. I could see that. But when I talk in visions it makes the headaches I get afterwards worse."

After that, we just kind of stayed silent for a while. I don't know how long, but then Kate stepped in.

She smirked, "So, the little princess woke up."

I gulped. Just don't speak. Like you did for ten years straight, besides Stiles and Scott and mom.

She sat down in a chair by the dials, "Well, are you going to be a better victim than Mr. Grumpy over here? Or will I have to torture you too."

I shot a glance to Derek, who seemed very pissed off. He wasn't alone in that.

"Oh well. Guess you're just as boring." She turned the dial to one. I grunted at the pain. Damnit, it hurt like hell.

She frowned after a couple minutes, "Now, why aren't your fangs coming out little beta?"

She thinks I'm a werewolf? Oh god.

She turned up the dial to two. Derek starting screaming in pain, his wolf side coming out. I started screaming, and I felt my eyes turn pink. She looked at me, and I immediately shut my eyes.

"You're not a werewolf? Now, let me see those pretty eyes of yours." She came up to me and forced one of my eyes open.

"Oh, honey. I know what you are. You're extremely rare.. Let's see how many volts it takes to force a vision of yours. Or maybe.. I'll just leave you for my guy."

She then turned the vial back down to one.

And now, we're left to wait.


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