Chapter Three- Werewolf? You've Got to Be Kidding Me..

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Why is Isabel so quiet, and how was she so nice and smiley towards that Hale guy? Did she think he was hot? I hope not. That would totally disrupt my ten year plan. That's right ladies and gentlemen, I'm in love with a girl who would never consider me even as a possible crush. She's way out of my league. Yeah, she doesn't talk, she conceals her feelings... but she opens up to me and Scott sometimes and I love her voice so much. I just wish she could talk more.

I say I'm full on crush mode when it comes to Lydia, but Scott came up with the 'genius' idea to pretend I have had a crush on her for the past, I don't know, 10 years. Lydia's beautiful, yeah, but she's not nice and caring like Isabel. Or sarcastic, funny, as beautiful... the list could go on.

I sat in my bed, thinking to myself. Why did she smile when I grabbed her hand today? She probably was doing it out of pity or something. I can't get my hopes up. She was there for me a lot when my mom died, though.

I pushed my feelings aside, and thought about Scott. Could that joke I made become reality? I mean the gum thing, and the all of the sudden great at lacrosse thing...

This is getting suspicious.




Stiles ran up to me and Scott, "SCOTT, ISABEL. WAIT UP-"

"Stiles, I'm playing first elimination, can't it wait?"

"Alright, just hold on, okay? I listened to my dad on the phone, the fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A, they found animal hairs on the body from the woods!"

"Alright Stiles, I gotta go." Scott started running to the lacrosse field.


I interupted him. "Well, what animal were they?" I rose an eyebrow.

"They were a wolf's."

I was about to reply, when Coach's whistle interupted me. Sometimes I wanted to throw that annoying thing off a cliff and pour lava on it.

I sat down at the bleachers, and thought about this.

Wolf hair? You've got to be kidding me. That THING that attacked us was a wolf? What if it killed the girl too... why didn't it kill us?

I was interupted out of my thoughts when Allison sat next to me. I waved and started to watch the game.

Scott and Jackson were both at the ball, having a stare down. Oh god. When the whistle sounded, Scott immediately grabbed the ball and did some ninja moves to get past the players. When he got to three players blocking his path, he did a front-side flip thing and threw the ball hard into the net. I stood up and hugged Allison, and grinned down at Stiles to see him staring at me in amazement. I mouthed, I'm so proud of him!

He smiled, and turned back around and clapped.

I saw Coach yell at Scott, but I was too busy looking down at Stiles to pay attention to what he was yelling at Scott for. He sat down with what seemed like sadness... Why would he be sad?

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now