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I was sitting in my bedroom. After that whole drama I rushed out of there after saying goodbye to Stiles. Don't blame me, alright? I'm really overwhelmed. What the hell, man. My power, what I did. I fought someone. And I was good.

Here comes the disappointing part. It's been at least an hour now of me concentrating, sitting in my bedroom on the floor against my bed, and I can't do any of the things I did a couple hours before.

I heard a faint knock on the door, "Isabel? It's Scott. Can I come in?"

I gave a silent nod, then realized he couldn't hear me. "Yeah." I murmured, knowing he would hear with his supernatural hearing if needed.

The door creaked open and I looked up. There he was, little beta Scott. Or maybe omega. Who knows these days honestly.

He sat next to me on the floor, "What you did back there.."

I gulped, and replied a couple moments later, "Yeah.. About that.."

"What was that? Your eyes weren't just.. glowing bright pink. Everything except the whites of your eyes had this smokey, glowing pink in it. It wasn't like my eyes. You couldn't see your pupils. And the whole flying thing.. it looked really.. weird. None of us could see your wings."

I snorted, "Oh god. I must've looked like Peter Pan."

He chuckled, "Basically." He continued after a pause, "But how did you do that?"

I looked up at him with a frown, "I don't know. I got really angry, Peter explained I'm finally 'embracing my powers' or something like that. But I gotta talk to Deaton about it. He's supposed to teach me how to fly properly."

"You looked like you had it handled in there." He smiled at me with his puppy eyes.

"You're more of a puppy than a werewolf in my opinion." I giggled, resting my head against his shoulder.

"Oh, shut up Peter Pan." He shoved my shoulder, laughing.

I gave him a glare, then smiled. It's moments like these I learn to cherish.

"So.. you and Stiles." He smiled, then wiggled his eyebrows after a moment.

I facepalmed, "Oh god. How did you know?"

"I could smell him on you. Same way I could smell Allison on me after I kissed her for the first time." He smiled sincerely.

"First of all, ew. Second of all, why were you sniffing me." I pointed at him.

"It's not like I have a choice! I struggle throughout the day trying to ignore things I smell. Now back to you two. How did you two.. you know.. start?" He asked.

I sighed, "Okay, I'll give you the run down. Over the past month we had little moments. Stares, glances. Average stuff. And then at the Police Station, while me and Stiles were laying in pain, we had a little lovey dovey moment, but Derek ruined it. And then the school required me and Stiles to go in for a counseling session, and afterwards we almost kissed, and the bell rang."

"You guys really haven't had the best luck." Scott said, frowning.

"I still have much more to tell you, stop interrupting. Anyways, then after Stiles won the game, I went rushing onto the field out of happiness, because it's Stiles, you know? And in the heat of the moment, I wasn't thinking, and I quickly pulled in for a kiss. And he didn't pull away. I said 'Good job Batman', and he smiled, but then Gerard kidnapped us and we didn't have time to talk about it."

"That's cute. But also really depressing. I was trying to find you guys, you know." He said in sorrow.

"I know, butthead. Did you not hear me say stop interrupting? Anyways, then, after we escaped, Stiles and I went back to the school and he cleaned up my face with supplies from his jeep. Then he said 'Aw, screw it' and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I felt fireworks, butterflies. It was magical honestly. And then I pecked his lips again after a little conversation and left. And I guess that's it really. I mean, we did hold hands at the building thing when Lydia and Jackson were crying over each other." I stopped, breathing in a huge breathe.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now