Chapter Twenty-Seven- Lizard Thing

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"If you wanna take this little conversation downstairs-" Isaac shook his head, saying no. Oh great, I'm having a vision. Please don't make me watch Isaac get beaten up.

"No? Then tell me the grade." His father said, angrily eating dinner.

Now, let me get this quickly. Tell me the grade, tell me the grade.. Isaac probably has a bad grade in some class I'm assuming. How did his dad find out- you know what? That doesn't matter. Let's just try and figure out why I'm here.

"Dad the semester's only half over. There's plenty of time to-"

"Isaac!" His father said loudly.

Isaac looked down at his food, "It's a- it's a D." 

Mr. Lahey made a face, and continued to eat.


Is that it? No beating up-- or throwing things?

"It's a D. I'm not angry. You know I'm gonna have to find a way to punish you though. I have my responsibility as a parent. So, we'll start with something simple. You know what-- you clean the dishes and clean up the kitchen, alright?" I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows as he lifted his cup and took a sip of coffee. This sounds mysteriously familiar.

"Yeah." Isaac nodded softly, seeming surprised. He's not the only one surprised here.

"Good. Because I'd really like to see this place spotless." His dad dropped the cup on the floor, and it smashed into pieces. I shuddered as I remembered when my dad threw silverware and cups and plates at me a month and a half ago.

"Know what I'm sayin'? You know, I mean this entire kitchen." He pushed the plates in front of him on the ground, Isaac immediatley shuffling against the wall, hiding his face.

His father chuckled and picked up a vase, "Absolutely," He threw the vase above Isaac's head, it shattering into shards of glass, "Spotless."

Isaac slowly looked up, a little shard of glass underneath his right eye was stuck in his cheek.

He pulled it out and grunted in pain.

"Well that was your fault." His dad shrugged.

Isaac slowly stood up, "You could've blinded me."

"Shut up. It's just a scratch! It's hardly even-"

I watched in disbelief. The wound on Isaac's face. It was healing. Supernaturally. You've gotta be kidding me, Derek.

As soon as Isaac touched his face and noticed it wasn't bleeding, he rushed out of the house, grabbing his bike and riding away.

"Isabel!" I heard a voice shout. I looked around. Where was that coming from.

"Isabel!" I felt someone shake my body. I felt water drop onto my body, like it was raining. I opened my eyes and they widened when I saw who was staring at me.

"Isaac? Where am I-- what are you doing here?" I asked, looking around. I saw his bike a couple yards away. I'm soaking wet-- looks like I've been sitting in the rain for a while.

"We're in an alleyway- What are you doing here? I was biking away from my dad and saw you lying here." He yelled through the rain. I heard the sound of a car.

My eyes widened and I grabbed his arm, pulling us into a dumpster. His dad can't find him. Not after what he just saw.

"ISAAC!" I heard a voice yell. I closed my eyes and muttered "Shit."

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now