Chapter Forty-Four- Three Little Pigs?

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Matt leaned down towards Derek, who was currently paralyzed, laying on his back.

"This is the one controlling him? This kid?" Derek said annoyed.

"Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf." Matt said with a sickly grin.

"Did he really just quote Three Little Pigs?" I said aloud. My eyes widened and I shut my mouth instantly. You see, in situations like this, I tend to.. resort to sarcasm. To keep my spirits high. Being scared is worse than having high spirits because having hope means you actually think.

Matt chuckled, standing up, "I did." He chuckled again, "Oh yeah, that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Hunters, kanimas. It's like a freakin' halloween party every full moon. Except for Stiles and Isabel. What do you two turn in to?" He asked. Jokes on him. He doesn't even know.

"The Flash. I can run faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is actually 186,000 miles per second, and I'm pretty sure my top is 186,001." I chuckled. He rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Stiles.

"Abominable snowman. But it's more of like a Winter time thing. Ya know, seasonal." Stiles sarcastically remarked and I snorted.

Matt did a nod and the kanima let go of me, and swiped at Stiles' neck.

"No!" Me and Scott both called out. But before we could catch him, the kanima put a hand out and shook it's finger.

"Bitch." Stiles got out before falling on Derek.

"Get him. Off of me." Derek grunted.

"Oh, I don't know, Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair. It must suck though. To have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut on the back of the neck. I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless." Man, Matt sure likes to make sure he says every syllable.

"Still got some teeth. Lean down here a little closer. We'll see how helpless I am." Derek said confidently.

"Yeah bitch.." Stiles got out. He sounded like he was sick. Oh dear.

All of the sudden a car started to pull up. Who's coming? Did someone get a phone call or text out to someone?

"Is that her?" Matt grinned. He stood up and look towards Scott, "Do what I tell you to and I won't hurt her. I won't even let Jackson near her."

"Scott, don't trust him!" Stiles and I said at the same time.

All of the sudden Stiles was pulled to his back and Matt had his foot on Stiles' chest. No, no, no, no, no. Please no.

Stiles face started to turn red.

"This work better for you?" Matt said with anger.

"Matt, stop." I said calmly.

"Okay, stop. Just stop!" Scott yelled.

He kept pushing. Stiles looked like he couldn't breathe. Memories of my dad's torture flickered through my mind.

"No, no, no, no, no." I whispered.

"Matt, stop. Please." I nearly sobbed, letting a tear stream down my face. Stiles can't have this. He doesn't deserve to die. None of us do.

"Then do what I tell you to!" Matt yelled.

"Okay. Alright." Scott said calmly.

"STOP!" I yelled, and Matt took his foot off. I quickly wiped the tears from my face, leaning down towards Stiles as he sucked in huge breathes. I rubbed his face with my thumbs and looked into his eyes for one short second before Matt pulled me up by my shirt.

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