Chapter Two- New Day, New Friend.

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I woke up at around 6 AM to the annoying sound of my alarm. It was extremely tempting to press snooze and go back to sleep, but it's the first day of sophomore year.

I groaned and slowly rolled out of bed and trudged to my closet.

What to wear, what to wear... I thought.

I decided on a pair of skinny jeans with black converse, a Green Lantern t-shirt, and a jean jacket. Luckily, I am one of those cool people who shower at night, so I brushed my hair, curled it just a bit so it's wavy, and ran through it with my fingers. I decided to put on some light concealer, mascara, and eyeliner. I smiled to myself in the mirror.

Don't frown Isabel, someone could be falling in love with your smile. I chuckled to myself at the fact I just repeated one of Lydia's many inspirational quotes.

I ran down the stairs, to find there were only Cheerio's. I quickly ate a couple handfuls and ran out of the door to my little white Kia Soul, parked nicely in the driveway. Putting my keys in ignition, I groaned to myself not anticipating the day, especially Harris, and started driving to school.

As soon as I got there I parked in one of the two empty spaces in front of the school. I got out and smiled to myself, seeing Scott riding his bicycle with his Lacrosse stick in his backpack. That smile quickly turned into a frown when I saw a very familiar silver Porsche drive in the spot next to mine.

Great, now I have to drive out of here before Jackson gives me a lecture about his new "paint job" after school.

I used to like Jackson, as a friend of course. He's not my type, though he says "Everyone is my type".

He opened his door and slammed it into Scott's butt. I chuckled to myself, classic Jackass.

"Hey, watch the paint job." He gave an angry look to Scott.

I wonder what happened to Jackson. He used to be really nice, caring, friendly.. Now he's just rude to everyone he sees. Sigh.

As Scott and I walk up to Stiles I smile and wave.

"Alright, let's see this thing." Stiles grinned, obviously talking about the apparent werewolf bite Scott had gotten the night before.

He grimaced at the sight of it. "Woah."

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."

I decided to chip in and say, "I think so too. I heard at least three different howls that sounded a lot like a wolves howl."

"A wolf?" He glanced at us with uncertainty, "No, not a chance."

"We heard a wolf howling."

"No, you guys didn't." Stiles said.

"What do you mean, no we didn't? I know what I heard."

I glanced at them both, "Stiles is probably talking about the fact that wolves haven't been in Beacon Hills in sixty years. There aren't wolves here."

Stiles nodded in agreement. My stomach fluttered and I felt my cheeks blush.


"YES really, there aren't any wolves in California."

"Alright well if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe us when I tell you we found the body."

Stiles immediately started freaking out, "Are you kidding me?" He grinned and put his hand in front of us.

"I wish, I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks." I groaned.

He laughed in amazement, "Oh my god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean this is seriously the best thing that's happened to this town since.. since the birth of Lydia Martin.."

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now