Chapter Thirty-Four- Who's the Kanima?

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I groaned as the two betas dragged me to Scott's house. Not literally, thank goodness, but Erica was just pulling me by the arm.

You can't imagine how painful every single step was. The cuts on my legs, the burns of my back, the cuts on my stomach. They just made life a hell of a lot harder.

I sat down on the curb in front of Scott's house across from Derek's pack, just incase I need to run inside Scott's house for some reason. I'm not running across the street if that's a thing that happens.

I looked behind me to the windows and saw Stiles taking a peek outside. His eyes widened once he saw me and I gave him a shrug and face meaning "i couldn't do anything about it".

My head started hurting. Oh no. Not a vision. Way to make my life 39840923809% worse!

I closed my eyes and opened them again. They changed colors; I could feel it. I started taking deep breaths. 

"Why are her eyes pink?" I could hear Isaac ask.

Lydia and Jackson were making out. Okay, and I'm watching this because..?

I was all of the sudden looking at the back of Jackson. Lydia pushed the back of his shirt down, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Scales. Green scales. Kanima scales. They rippled like a wave, and glowed a bit. Oh dear.

I came out of the vision panting heavily. I stood up and walked onto Scott's front yard and started pacing.

Okay, if Jackson's the kanima, what the hell is Lydia?

I struggled back to the side of the street and went back into a sitting position. If only my phone didn't sink to the bottom of the pool-- oh wait, my dad would've still taken it.

Oh yeah, the dad situation. He's probably been waiting at the school for a while now, or looking for me. Either way, he doesn't know where Scott's house is. I know I'll probably get extra torture when I go home, but at least my friends will be safe. 

As I was thinking I saw Isaac walk by me. Where is he even-- did they forget to lock the back door? God damnit Stiles. 

Soon, Erica came as well and walked past me. I then heard fighting, scratching, growling, whatever noises werewolves make.

It took a good five minutes to realize Lydia was probably scared out of her mind.. Either Jackson became the kanima and she has no idea what's going on or she wondered what the banging was about and never saw him transform. Either way is probably scary as hell to her.

Soon enough, I groggily looked over to see Erica and Isaac laying on the floor next to Derek and Boyd.

Scott, Allison, and Stiles came out onto the porch and stood there proudly. I smiled. My friends. I know I'm not an important group member, or pack member, but I'm still proud of them.

Derek sighed, "I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me Scott. You're not an omega. You're already an alpha, of your own pack. But you know you can't beat me."

"There actually won't be any beating because the cops are coming. Just pointing that out." I yelled and raised my hand from the sidewalk. I was actually kind of far away. I would stand up and join, but honestly, I could barely keep myself up while sitting.

Derek seemed to realize that as soon as the sirens became clearer.

I then heard a hiss. I looked up and saw Ja- I mean the kanima.

"Jackson." I whispered, looking up at it. I slowly got up and turned around to look at it as it crawled across the roof.

Stiles, Scott, and Allison ran down the front porch and watched it from afar. I was closest, what's with me and being in near-death situations today?

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