Chapter Thirty Eight- This Isn't Real.

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It's official. I despise hospitals.

For one, I'm stuck with the creepy guy who stares at my boobs unnecessarily when he "checks" on me. Plus, the food is barely edible. They've been giving me this knock-off hospital Jello and tuna. Who even likes tuna? Not me! No. I have requested Five Guys, McDonalds, Carls Jr, and even Subway. But no, I have to stick with hospital food because its 'healthy'. And the restaurants I'm recommending aren't? Hmph.

They also have me on 24 hour lockdown. There are security guards outside of my room at all times. And by all times, I mean when I wake up at 3 A.M for blood tests, they are standing out there sternly. One watching inside the room, one making sure no one gets in. It is hella scary. Hella. I'll be eating fake jello? One of them is watching. Reading a book? One of them is watching.

Plus, the windows are locked. Bars are up. No one is permitted to be in the bed next to me. I heard Melissa talk about it. They're not even allowing visitors anymore.

Well, I told them about the abuse. The torture. The whole burning-the-house-down situation. And you know what just brightened my day?

They never found my dad. No ashes, no blood, no burnt skin. Nothing. They think he escaped, which scares me a lot. They think he's gonna come back for me.

I've been thinking. Who am I gonna live with? Where am I gonna live? How are my grades? Are my friends okay?

But, Deaton did indeed keep his promise. I've been healing fast. The doctors are really confused, but I'm fine with it. They said at this rate I'll be out tomorrow. I would've been in the hospital for only three days. But then comes the one question-- Where would I go? Stay in my burnt house like Derek did? We could be burnt down house twins. Say it's the new style.

I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know what's going on. Life is stressful.

And you know what? That vulcan mind meld thing Peter did is making it 284320948 times worse.

I have been seeing him. Burnt face, sometimes not. Sometimes I just hear him, sometimes I see him. Sometimes we have a conversation, sometimes he has a half burnt face and he's talking about revenge.

Just like I'm hearing and seeing right now.

"I predicted this." I saw him with a burnt face, shorter hair, slowly rising from next to my bed.

"I told Talia."

"I told Talia." An echo repeated. I looked at the bed next to me. It was as if he was rising from a coma.

I swallowed and closed my eyes. This isn't real. It's your imagination.

I opened my eyes and he was still there.

"I told her this was gonna happen."

"Something like this was going to happen."

His voice sounded like it was coming from somewhere else every single time. Like an echo.

"I said that they were gonna come for us--"

"--They are, they are, they are."

"They're gonna come for us." He whispered.

He appeared to be kneeling next to my bed, "They are gonna burn us to the ground."

I shook in fear. This isn't real. This ISN'T real.

"They're gonna burn us to the ground." "To the ground."

"Did she listen?"

"Did she listen?"

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now