Chapter Thirty-Five- Calm Down Lizard Boy.

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Studying. I have a love/hate relationship with studying. You see, most of the time, I love it. It gives me the chance to remember things normal people don't and outsmart them. The part I hate is when it's something I find utterly boring.

Sighing, I slammed my Chemistry textbook closed and groaned.

You know what I need? A phone. You know what I also have? A credit card.

Grinning, I picked up my purse. Frowning, I put it back down.

Should I really be driving? First of all, those seniors basically re-hurt my back. It was at least starting to heal. And they punched my face, like my father did. I should really stop calling him my 'father'. He doesn't deserve that title. His first name? It's Xavier. Xavier Cannenta.

You know, I've been thinking about this for a while. What if I'm driving or whatever, and I have a vision? What am I supposed to do then? Hope I don't get into a car crash?

I pondered on the positives and negatives of getting a new phone.


My dad won't know since he forces me to do the bills.

New phone, duh.

Be able to contact friends.


New phone to drop into 8 feet of water. Again.

Dad could possibly find it and give me even more hell in my life.

Hm.. Well there's more positives than negatives so new phone is a go.

I slowly stood up, balancing myself. After school and learning that Jackson is being held captive in a police van, I decided to go home. They're probably forgetting that Jackson's dad is a lawyer. I will not be joining that party. Oh, and I also put new bandages and cleaned up my wounds.

I looked over myself and made sure no bruises or cuts were visible. Check. I walked a couple steps.

Legs hurt like hell? Check. Vision not blurry? Check.

Basically, everything hurts. Not my head; I've been drinking a lot of water lately. I'm hoping it'll allow me to heal faster. My legs, back, feet, stomach, and face hurt. I think I've even cracked or bruised a rib, to be honest.

Gotta protect Stiles. Gotta protect my friends. If I just don't tell them what's really going on, he won't kill any of them.

Just me.

Sighing, I picked up my purse and slowly walked out to the car. I took my iPod I had stored in the console out and plugged it into the sound system. 

I sighed as I pulled up to the AT&T store. Guess my rock and roll session will have to wait a half an hour or so.

I grinned, checking out my new iPhone 5S. This thing is awesome. I set it up, I have all my old pictures from my old phone back onto here.

I unlocked my car and slowly sat down in it, trying not to cause much pain in my legs.

I arrived at home, and soon enough, I slowly walked up to my room, did the nightly wash of face and all that shit, and fell asleep.


To- Stiles

Finally got a new phone. What's up in the supernatural world? -Isabel

A couple minutes later he replied.

From- Stiles

Took you long enough. And Jackson has filed a restraining order against us. You know about the whole police van stealing thing right?

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