Chapter Forty-Five- Mini Chapter

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Stiles just-- well, I don't know what he did, but it made me get my act together and heal my bullet wound, so that's a thing.
Good thing is, kanima Jackson doesn't know and is still only watching over Stiles and Derek. I hope after we somehow turn Jackson back to not kanima he's less arrogant and has learned from his mistakes. But let's be real, that chance is highly unlikely.
All of the sudden all of the lights went off and an alarm started going off. I furrowed my eyebrows, what in the hell is going--
"Argents." I muttered. I was sort of thankful, maybe. But I am a supernatural creature, and if Gerard and his 'kill every supernatural creature ever' crew is here then I am screwed. All of the sudden I heard a bunch of gunshots and glass breaking, and I immediately went over to Stiles and Derek to check if they were alright. No wounds, just the venom. Good.
Scott all of the sudden rushed in and started to pick up Stiles.
"Take him. Take him, GO!" Derek yelled starting to get up. Took long enough. I awkwardly looked between them, "I'll.. investigate and try to figure out what's going on. You guys go and do your werewolf-y stuff." I then ran out of the office and started running down a hallway.
I turned left and screamed and kicked someone in the stomach.
I looked up to see Chris and Allison looking very annoyed.
"Isabel, get out of our way." Allison said calmly.
"So my assumption was correct. You guys are here. Well, I'm going to walk away in fear before Gerard comes from some random unknown place and stabs me multiple times with holy oil. Or traps me with holy fire--"
"What are you even talking about?" Allison said annoyed.
"Tenshi." Chris muttered and chuckled a bit.
I furrowed my eyebrows and walked away.
"Wait, Isabel." Allison yelled. I slowly turned around.
"Where's Derek." She said, slowly raising her bow at me.
"Woah, woah, woah. No need to point weapons at me. Haven't I gone to the hospital enough the past couple days? And I was shot, like, an hour ago." I speedily ranted.
She walked closer, "Where's. Derek."
"Allison." I heard Mr. Argent said quietly, but demandingly.
I looked into her eyes. They looked lost, confused, angry.
I turned my head to Chris, still backing away. He looked the same.
I looked between them with a stern yet confused look, "What happened?" I gulped.
"I need to go. If you're not gonna tell me, then just stay out of my way." She said quickly and demandingly. I bit my upper lip as they passed. What happened to make her that way?
"Allison! Don't be the person Gerard wants you to be. Be you. You're not a killer." I yelled after them.
I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. I pulled out my phone and texted Scott.
To Scott:
Allison's really angry, so is Chris. They're here. She pointed her crossbow at me and threatened to shoot it. Be careful. Oh, and yes I have the pills. You're welcome by the way.
I sighed, slipping it back into my pocket. I pulled out the fake tin of pills Scott and I made. You see, Scott told me Gerard smelled like he was dying and he was constantly eating these pills. If he's dying, and he wants Derek, I immediately thought that means he wants the bite. So, as a safety measure, somehow we're gonna replace his current ones with the ones I have now. Let's just hope I can.
I all of the sudden felt a pain in my back. Oh no. I'm not wearing a thick coat, am I.
I looked behind me to see my back looked like it was buldging out. I cried out in pain, sinking to my knees. I quickly pulled out my phone and called Deaton.
"Deaton. What the hell. Is happening. To me." I said between breaths.
"What's happening right now? What symptoms?"
"My back. Looks like. It's buldging out." I said, very pissed off. Really. This has to happen NOW.
"I know what's happening. You need to get to the animal clinic NOW."
"I can't. Matt is keeping us held hostage at the police station and the kanima is here, and the Argents. And the pill plan--"
"Isabel, this is very important. You need to find away to escape. Give the pills to Scott."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "Fine. I'll see you. At the animal clinic."
I then pressed Scott's caller ID.
"Isabel, can't talk-"
"Go to the hallway I'm in. I can't give Gerard the pills. Somethings happening and apparently and Deaton wants me to get to the animal clinic now."
"Alright. I'll meet you. Be careful."
A couple minutes later the beta skidded into the hallway.
"WOAH. What's happening to--"
"My back? Yeah. Here's the damn pills. Goodbye." I stood up slowly, throwing the pills at him.
"How are you going to get out? Matt and Jackson are here, and so are the Argents." He panted.
I turned back, "I don't even know how I'm going-- to get to the-- Animal Clinic." I panted, trying to walk.
"I trust Deaton, but maybe you should just stay here. It's not safe." He said in a serious tone.
I turned back and smiled, "When has safety ever affected my decisions? Oh, and if Stiles gets hurt I'm going to shove wolfsbane up your ass. We just had a lovely talk about our feelings and I don't want that to be for nothing." I ranted quickly.
"Alright. I promise. Stay safe. Call me, scream, anything if you need help. I'll try to be there." He smiled.
"Same with you. Or I'll just have a vision. Or you could text me. Or call. Or page me even, I have one in my car for dire emergency-"
He groaned, "Just go."
"Okay. I'm going. Be safe." I quickly panted walking to the back door.
I know I haven't updated in a while. I had a bunch of tests this week. School sucks sometimes. I've had this draft saved for a while so I'll post a bigger chapter TONIGHTT WOOO

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now