Chapter Twenty- Meeting the Alpha.

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Allison stepped into what looked like was the Hale house. She slowly bent down, tracing claw marks. When she looked up, she shrieked.

"Damn, you got some lungs on you." Kate said.

Allison sighed, "Did you follow me here?"

"Well you can't really blame me for being concerned about my favorite niece can you? What are you looking for?"

"I don't know. Something. Anything."

"You mean answers? Lingering questions like-"

"Why would he wanna kill us?"

Kate chuckled, "I mean come on, look at this place. Could you imagine if your father and I were trapped in some place like this? That'd do some pretty interesting things to your head don't you think."

Allison shook her head, "It wouldn't turn me into a psychotic killer."

"You don't have to be psychotic to be a killer. You just.. need a reason. And even then sometimes, you can surprise yourself. What do you want Allison?"

Allison stood up and sighed, "I wanna not be scared. That night, in the school, I felt utterly weak. Like- like I needed someone to come in and rescue me. I hate that feeling. I wanna feel stronger than that. I wanna feel powerful."

Probably not the best wording of my personal choice. Clever beats strong. Kate started walking towards her niece.

"Allison if you could give me just a little bit of time, if you can be just a little patient. I think I can give you exactly what you want." Kate smirked and walked away.

I came back to reality to hear Derek say, "You're not gonna make it."

Stiles sighed, "I know."

"And you didn't tell him about his mom either."

"Not until we find the truth."

I sighed looking at the Beacon Hills Hospital sign. Let's hope Scott's mom isn't a psychotic killing alpha.

"By the way one more thing." Derek said. Right after he slammed Stiles head into the steering wheel.

"OH, GOD- What the hell was that-"

"You know what that was for. Go." Derek pointed at the hospital doors.

I quickly got out of the car, "Bye Miguel."


"Yeah, we can't find him." I said to Derek in the phone.

"Look, ask for Jennifer. She's the nurse taking after my uncle."

I walked into the room Peter is supposed to be in, "Yeah, well, he's not here either." I glanced at the empty wheelchair.


"He's not here, he's gone Miguel."

There was a pause.

"Isabel get out of there right now it's HIM. HE'S THE ALPHA. GET OUT." Derek yelled through the phone.

I gulped and slowly put my hand down and ended the call. Stiles seemed to have heard the call too because he quickly grabbed my hand. I stepped out of the room prepared to run, but when I looked to my right, there he was. The man from my vision.

"You must be Stiles and Isabel." He smirked.


"Wow, this isn't the bathroom." I nervously chuckled and started walking to the left when Jennifer stopped us.

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