Chapter Twenty-Five- Missing Redhead.

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"You want help getting in the shower?"

Oh, yes. It's been five GREAT days in the hospital filled with stories from Lydia's mom, Lydia's dad, and sometimes even her uncle showed up! The doctor keeping tabs on me didn't want me to leave the hospital until the marks on my neck weren't so deep. I'm hoping I get out tonight or tomorrow, I hate hospitals.

I haven't even been allowed to walk out of my room. Shower, get back in bed, eat, read, watch TV shows. That was my life the past week or so, thanks to the now dead Peter. Of course, Scott and Stiles come to visit every day. Erica came twice, and Isaac came three times. Stiles keeps bringing Lydia and I balloons, and secret unhealthy drive-in food for me. Lydia doesn't want it because she'll 'gain weight'. But really, don't most people lose a bunch of weight in the hospital?

Anyways, Lydia's dad just asked to help her get in the shower.

Lydia sat and looked up at him, "Maybe if I was four. And still taking bubble baths." And there she goes, walking away with her popular girl 'I'm better than you' strut, even in a hospital gown. Somehow she still manages to look somewhat good even in hospital attire.

"Right. I'll just, wait outside then. Where it's slightly less sarcastic." Her dad sighed.

I put up my hand, "Maybe you should wait out there. The sarcastic level is still pretty high with me in here."

"Teenagers." He muttered and rolled his eyes, walking out of our room. Parents.

I pressed the button on the side of the hospital bed, calling Melissa. She's also been keeping up on me when the other doctor is away. The only good part about the hospital is the gossip. Melissa heard Hannah, one of the nurses, cheated on her husband for one of the doctors at the next closest hospital. Don't judge me, it becomes the most exciting thing when all you do is eat and sleep!

I heard the door open and looked over to see Scott's fabulous mom. She's the only one in this facility that can work those ugly clothes.

She smiled, "I got your buzz. Do you need anything?"

I sat up, "Can I walk around now? I think if I lay in bed any more my legs will be jello by the time I get out of here."

She chuckled, "You may. Stiles is out there, he's been here all weekend. You should go say hi."

I cheered in victory, climbing out of my bed. I went up and side hugged her, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't think I could've survived another day of The Office re-runs."

She opened the door for me and I rushed out, careful to roll the IV out nicely, smelling the air. I probably looked like someone that just got off a 18 hour flight. I saw Stiles asleep across the row of chairs with a balloon in his hand.

"You're so dirty." He mumbled, making a nurse changing the trash right next to him freak out and run away.

I laughed so loud a couple of people looked at me, but it was enough for Stiles to wake up. He rushed up in a squating ninja position.

I kept laughing and put my hand on my chest as he gave me an irritated look.

Eventually I stopped and I wiped the tears off my face. The face on that nurse, and just the mumbling in general was hilarious.

"So, were you having a dirty dream about a certain redhead?" I winked and almost started laughing again. Being here actually helped me somewhat. I mean, I still have a crush on Stiles. I still think he's cute. But he's still my best friend, and I would be super excited if him and Lydia ever dated.

His eyes widened, "Wha-- How much did you hear?" He whisper-yelled at me, rubbing his neck from the uncomfortable postion across the hospital chairs.

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