Chapter Eighteen- Second Full Moon.

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I sat on the bleachers watching the game. Scott ran but got pushed over by two guys blocking the goal.

Coach chuckled and leaned down to Scott, "Guess some people don't appreciate your new status there McCall."

Well, considering tonight's a full moon, this isn't very good.

"Stilinski, you're next." Coach yelled. I smiled. Finally. He never plays.

Scott then pushed him with the lacrosse stick. I groaned and put my head in my hands. Definitely full moon.

Coach didn't help at all, "Yes! That's how you do it! Earn it, McCall!"

Scott then pushed over the two guys in front of the goalie. I then looked over to the goal.

Oh no. Scott. Please don't hit-

He then pushed Danny and scored a goal.

-Danny. Sigh.

I got up and ran over to the field to Scott and Stiles.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" Stiles retorted. I nodded in agreement.

"What? He's twice the size of me." Scott retorted.

I sighed, "But everybody likes Danny. Everybody might not like you so much. Not to be rude or anything. Oh god. I was just rude to one of my best friends. What if the full moon affects me too?" I ended up muttering the last part. I know, I've called Jackson a jackass many times and I went a little wild at the school at night. But you know what? We were running from a crazy, psycho alpha. And Jackson can be rude. But all the cussing, and the sassiness... that ends now. Back to the old me. The nice one. But maybe I'll add sarcasm here and there.

I ran over to Danny and sighed. Poor Danny.

Lydia ran over, "Is he alright?"

"Yeah, looks like he just has a bloody no-" Jackson suddenly stopped and stared at her.

"What?" she said.

It dawned on me. Her lipstick. The makeout session with Scott. Ugh.

"Your lipstick." Jackson said.

Lydia crossed her eyebrows and pulled out her compact mirror. She chuckled, "Oh. Wonder how that happened."

Jackson rolled his eyes, "Yeah. I wonder."

I didn't notice Stiles came to stand next to me until I noticed him turn and look at Scott. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. There are other fish in the sea Stiles. If only he would notice me- wait. I am trying to get over him. That's right. I quickly let go and flashed a quick smile, and walked away.


Stiles and I didn't say a word to each other on the car ride over to Scott's house. I felt bad for him. There's nothing I can do now. The damage has been done.

Stiles got out a key and opened the door to the house.

"Scott?" Melissa said.

He gave a nervous chuckle, "Stiles and Isabel." and gave a quick glance to me.

I smiled giving a small wave.

She smiled, "Key."

"Yeah. I had one made." He grinned.

"That doesn't surprise me. Scares me but doesn't surprise me." She muttered.

Stiles then dropped the bag full of chains on the floor, which made a loud clinking noise.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now