Chapter Twenty-Three- Winter Formal

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I was just tortured for over a day by a psychotic werewolf hunter, and I'm headed to a school dance. Well, there's something I never thought I would say.

Yes, I'm driving myself. Stiles insisted on driving Lydia to the formal, him being the gentlemen he is. Lydia looks absolutely amazing tonight. Lydia and her mom, surprisingly, somehow covered the bruises with makeup. No questions asked-- I think they assumed the bruises were still there from the 'mountain lion attack'. I look like I was never tortured. I still feel like I was though, sadly, makeup can't take pain away. Maybe with my smarts I'll come up with that someday. Makeup that makes the pain go away. Not a bad idea, huh.

Anyways, I'm in my Kia. I had to walk from Lydia's house to get it, and a bigger purse. I may wear these heels into the formal, but after everyone has seen me, I'm changing into my ultra comfortable Converse.

I drove into a parking spot to see Lydia brushing her dress off next to a familar blue Jeep. I grinned and stepped out of the car, fixing my heels so that they don't irritate my feet for a longer period of time.

"Jackson, you look nice." Lydia said as I stood a good couple yards away.

"Obviously. It's Hugo Boss." Jackson smirked and walked away. His ego just seems to get bigger and bigger, doesn't it?

Lydia mumbled something about society's view on girls. I couldn't hear it fully.

"Well I think you look beautiful." Stiles spoke.

I smiled. I may not have a date, but at least Stiles' dream is finally coming true.

And with that, I walked into the dance.

One word. Wow.

There's a real band, flashing colored lights, food.. Well, considering the room's already packed, the punch is probably already spiked with vodka or something.

I sighed and walked in looking around for everyone. There's Jackson and Danny, drinking alcohol. There's Scott scouting the whole area. Oh, and there's Peter looking creepily- Oh. That- that's Peter. Okay. He's coming after Allison tonight. Don't panic, there is a solution to this. Right? Okay. I'm panicking.

When I looked back, he was gone. Do all Hales do that?

I walked over to the food area and grabbed a brownie. My smile grew when I saw Lydia pulling Stiles onto the dance floor. Aw, cuties.

"McCall! I see you. Come here buddy." I heard Coach yell.

I laughed with brownie in my mouth, "This is going to be fun to watch."

I heard a voice next to me, "Really? You think one of your best friends getting in trouble is funny? Maybe we're more alike than you think." Peter.

I looked over and saw him smirking at me. I quickly put my brownie down and ran to the middle of the dance floor, when the music stopped. Oh god, what now?

"McCall! You're not supposed to- What the hell are you-" Oh. Scott is dancing with Danny. Gotta give it to him, that's pretty good.

"What the hell are you doing?" Coach asked.

"Yes, Coach?" Scott said innocently, going closer to Danny.

"Okay- H- hold on. I was just saying- He was not-- supposed to- I mean I'm not saying that he isn't supposed to- he shouldn't-- you guys don't think-you-you - I just- DANCE EVERYBODY, DANCE! Just dance! It's a party!" Coach chuckled and quickly walked away as the music started to play again.

Scott then ran off and started dancing with Allison. Well, guess everyone's happy. All of my friends have a date, everyone's having a good time. Except me.

You know what? I won't mope- no- I'm gonna go change into my Converse and go home and keep trying to find where Derek and I were tortured. That is way better than some stupid dance, am I right?

I walked out of the formal to get my shoes out of the car when I saw Jackson. What the hell is he doing? You know what- I don't even want to know.

I got to the car, somehow got these cute yet tight heels off, and replaced them with my trusty pair of Converse. I stood up, letting my feet actually breathe. I groaned in realization. I left my purse in my locker so that my keys wouldn't get stolen.

"Jackson!" I heard Lydia yell. Lydia? She abandoned Stiles? Oh, man...

I quickly ran over and followed her onto the lacrosse field.

"Jackson!" She yelled again, holding her arms together.

"Lydia, what are you doing out here. It is freezing. I am freezing." I quickly shivered.

"I wanna find Jackson." She sighed.

I walked forward with her as she yelled, "Jackson? Jackson!"

Then, something weird happened. The field lights started going on, one by one.

When they all got on, we both turned around. I saw a figure walking towards us.

"Jackson? Jackson is that you?" Lydia said in a more regular tone.

When he got closer, realization hit me. "That's not Jackson." I said in fear, grabbing Lydia's arm.

"We have to go, now." I said, tugging on her arm.

"Jackson, is that you?" She whispered.

"LYDIA, ISABEL. RUN!" I heard Stiles running and yelling from across the field.

I started running with Lydia, but it was too late. Peter was too close. I saw his fangs come out, and his eyes turn red.

I pushed Lydia behind me and he scratched my stomach, making me fall to the floor with a yelp in pain. He then continued to bite Lydia, putting multiple scratches on her. My vision started to go blurry, I think I hit my head on the field pretty hard when I fell. I looked over with my blurry vision and saw Stiles slide next to me. Well, as close as he could. Peter towered over me and Lydia and growled, like we were treasure or something.

"Don't kill them. Please." Stiles panted.

"Of course not. Just tell me how to find Derek." I felt blood drip onto my forehead from Peter's claws.

I felt a claw go onto the side of my face, and all I could do was stay still. I can barely see anything.

"Tell me how to find Derek Hale." It slid down my face, not making any wounds, but still feeling very life threatening.

"Wha- how would I know that?" Stiles' voice rang in my head.

"You're the clever one, aren't you? Because deception has a particularly accurate scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth, or I will rip Lydia apart." Peter said.

"How nice." I sarcastically breathed out. Peter obviously didn't like that, as he put a finger on my mouth. I could see his claws.

A familiar pang in my head started, and I felt my eyes start to glow. I blinked a couple times, then the vision started.

Allison kissed the window from the inside of a school bus. I looked over to see Scott grinning. Okay, I'm in a life or death situation right now. I would like Scallison moments to not be what I last see before I die.

Scott chuckled and started walking over to the bus when two cars pulled up. I looked at the drivers in each one. One had Argent, and the other a hunter. Argent made an angry face, and they both started driving towards Scott. Okay, now I get why I'm seeing this. I panicked and ran into the bus, even though in vision state I wouldn't get hurt anyways. Scott then jumped as the two cars almost collided.

He slowly looked up at Allison, in his wolf form.



I would much rather have a Doctor Who marathon than almost get killed by a psychotic killer.. thanks for reading guys! Next chapter is the end of season one! Can't believe it.

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