Chapter Twenty-Six- Omega

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"Alright but if she's turning, will they kill her?" Stiles yelled while driving. Scott had his head out the window like a dog. It was hilarious.

"I don't know, they won't tell me. They keep saying we'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here." Allison replied from next to me. Her family doesn't trust her very much after the whole dating-a-werewolf thing.

"What others?" I asked in confusion. More hunters? Just great.

"I don't know. They won't tell me that either." She sighed.

"Your family has some serious communication issues you need to work on. I think there's even a class you can take for that in college somewhere."

I looked over at Scott, "S-dog, are we going the right way?" Everyone looked at me. Even Scott.

"Take the next right!" Scott yelled, sniffing the air.

Stiles turned to look at me for a second, "S-dog? Really? Are you-- were you being serious?"

I laughed aloud, "He has his head out the window like a dog, and his name is Scott. Put them together, S-dog. For all you know, Snoop Dogg could have just died and I was talking to his spirit." I said the last part spookily and sat back in my seat. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a certain brunette crack a smile. I knew my jokes would get to her.

I suddenly got a pang in my head. Oh, no. Please don't be a dead Lydia. I groaned in pain and clutched my head.

"Is she alright?" Allison yelled at Stiles in the front seat.

"It's a vision, I'll be fine." I grunted at her.

I could see Stiles looking at me in concern through the rearview mirror. That was the last thing I saw before the vision came.

What even is this, a graveyard? I floated over some grass, and read some graves. Yup, it's definitely a graveyard. So why am I having a vision of this?

I went over to where a claw machine was digging a hole for a grave. The claw started coming towards me and I made a silent low "ew" and floated away. Some dirt flew through me, which was not fun. I hope I don't wake up with dirt on me or something.

I looked at the grave the light was on.

Katherine Argent


Kate Argent.. Of course.

The vision hasn't ended yet. What do I need to see?

I looked up at the driver of the claw machine thing. My eyes widened when I saw one of my best friends.

Isaac Lahey. I saw him looking at a black eye through his mirror.

I know what you're thinking- why didn't you tell anyone he's getting beaten up by his dad? That actually relates to how I found out. I was at his house, in the bathroom, when I heard some grunts and shatters. I came out and looked into the kitchen to see Isaac getting beaten up.

Now remember, I was thirteen at this time. This gets really scary for a thirteen year old.

Mr. Lahey saw I was there. He ended up pulling a gun out of a drawer and pointing it at me. He told me that if I told anyone he would shoot me.

Okay, end of scary flashback. I love Isaac, as a friend of course, but these visions have been supernatural only. What's so supernatural about Isaac?

He started looking around and I heard some footsteps. I guess he heard them too, considering he started turning the machine towards where I was.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now