Chapter Fifteen- Night School Part 1

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"Isabel- are you alright? OH my god this is all my fault.." I heard Stiles ramble as someone placed me down on the floor.

I tried to blink away the blurriness of my vision, "You're both idiots.." I mumbled.

My hearing was still turned on at it's maximum and I think I heard Scott gulp, "She'll be alright. Do you think that'll hold?"

I slowly looked over to the doors to see something holding the handles together. Two knives? No, those don't connect... bolt cutters?

I lifted up a finger, "If those are bolt cutters even in my state I know that won't hold it."

The head above me looked down, "Stop talking Isabel. She's bleeding a lot. We have to get her to a hospital Scott-"

"I know. But there's also a raging wolf outside that wants to eat us and killed Derek!"

Killed? Oh god, I hope not...

I blinked a couple times and soon saw the person above me was Stiles. Oh. That's nice. I heard a howl and suddenly the setting changed.

"Uh okay- desk. I can't help so use your werewolf strength." Stiles rambled.

I interrupted, "Wait," I could practically feel their eyes on me. I coughed a little bit and continued, "The door or desk won't hold it-"

"I thought we told you to stop talking. Just-just don't talk until we get you safe and out of here alright?" Stiles mumbled, almost whispering.

I shook my head, "We gotta.. we gotta-" And then a hand was placed on my mouth. Okay then.

"The alpha. It's your boss." I heard Stiles say.


"Deaton. He's the alpha."

"What? No- that can't be."

"Oh, come on- he disappears and ten seconds later that thing shows up to toss Derek AND our best friend twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing." Stiles ranted.

"It's not him."

"Derek's dead."

"He-he's not dead. Isabel's not dead so he can't be dead either." Yeah, but I didn't get clawed in the back.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as minor injury. He's dead, and we're next." Stiles did hand motions with me still in his arms and I groaned in pain.

"Okay- well- what do we do?"

Stiles panted and looked down at me, "We get to my Jeep, we get outta here, drive Isabel to the hospital, and you seriously think about quitting your job. Good?"

They both rushed over to what I think is the windows?

"The windows don't open, they're climate controlled." I groaned, Stiles' hand no longer on my mouth.

Scott looked between me and Stiles, "Then-- we break it."

Stiles interrupted, "Which will make a lot of noise."

"Then-- then we run really fast." Scott glanced at the Jeep and sighed, "Really fast."

I lifted my arm up, "I volunteer as tribute to say that's a really stupid idea."

Stiles swatted my arm back down as Scott said, "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?"

Oh god.

"What- what do you mean? Nothing's wrong." He ranted.

"It's bent." Scott panted.

"Wha- like dented?"

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now