Chapter Thirty-Seven- Fire.

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It's been hours. Three. Hours. You know what I have across my stomache? Slashes. Huge slashes. Deep slashes. Slow slashes. That's how it went.

I think they've stopped bleeding. Oh, and the burning? Not on my back this time. I would say thank goodness, but you should just take a look at my arms. How will I get through school. Hell-- will he make me go to school? As a new form of torture? Never heard of that one before.

He stepped back into the room and closed the secret bookshelf.

He smiled, "Sorry about that. Did you enjoy your five minutes break?"

"At least I didn't see your sorry ass for five minutes." I growled back.

He chuckled, "Feisty one you are."

"I was your DAUGHTER." I yelled.

He made a 'tsk' noise and turned to me, "You really think that? You were a mistake. Didn't I tell you that?"

I pulled at the chains around my wrists, "My friends think I'm going to a rave with them tonight. What happens if I don't show, and don't respond to calls or texts, hm?" I squinted and made a face of seriousness.

He grinned, "Got that covered." He pulled out my NEW phone. New. Highlight on the NEW part. He walked up to me and showed me his texts to Scott and Stiles.

To Scott

Can't make it tonight. 

To Stiles

Can't make it tonight, family time is important!:)

I groaned internally.

He chuckled and put my phone back on the table, "I told you I'm good at technology."


I can barely see the outline of my dad right now. Vision is blurry. But he forces me to stay awake with slaps and cold buckets of water.

I like the water better.

He grinned, "Now, come on. Let's get to the fun."

He cracked his knuckles and stood in front of me.

Punch. My neck craned to the side as he punched my face.

Punch. I felt like throwing up from the impact on my stomach.

Punch. The other side of my face.

And that's how it went on for the next two hours.


I felt something splash onto me.

"Wake up, bitch!"

I blurrily and slowly opened my eyes. That's right. I fell into unconciousness. The punches. The pain. I don't think I can move anymore.

I saw a face come into view.

"Why is Derek Hale in your contacts?" A voice asked. Xavier. My dad. Whatever.

I blurrily opened my eyes and closed them, "I don't know."

He slapped my face, "You're lying."

"I don't know." I said again.

"STOP. LYING!" He yelled in my face, slapping the other side.

He yelled in anger and punched my stomach, and I let out a huge scream.

"Stop. SCREAMING!" He yelled.

"Stop having anger issues." I managed to get out.

I could feel his hand around my neck, "Who are Derek Hale's BETAS!"

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now