Chapter Eight- Lacrosse and Werewolf Drama.

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Scott ended up sniffing the dead body, while I sat awkwardly next to Lydia in the waiting room as Stiles tried to flirt with her. He ended up failing, and she said some nasty remarks. Typical Lydia. He also watched Jackson make out with her, which by the way, was not appealing in the middle of the hospital. Actually, anywhere.

It ended up being the same scent. The same exact scent. We were currently walking out of Stiles' jeep, the two boys holding shovels and a flashlight, while I struggled to stay warm.

I glanced at them, "Are you sure this is safe? I mean, if this were a movie, this is usually the part where the stupid teenagers get killed. I really don't want you guys to die."

Scott rolled his eyes at me, "Let's just get this over with." he said as he dug his shovel into the ground.

After about twenty minutes of the boys digging, Scott said,

"This is taking way too long." as he wiped sweat off his face.

"Just keep digging." Stiles said.

"What if he comes back?"

"Then we get the hell out of here."

I interrupted, "On a scale of we're all gonna die to pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows, how great is this plan?"

Stiles looked between me and Scott, "Very good. Maybe. Yes. No. I don't know-"

"What if he catches us?" Scott interrupted.

"I have a plan for that."

"Which is?"

"You run one way, Isabel and I run the other. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "I'm going for a 'we're all gonna die' rating now."

Scott nodded in agreement, "I hate that plan."

Stiles rolled his eyes at us, when his shovel hit something that is not dirt. Hopefully not a random dead bird or something. Dead girl? Still creeped out. Dead animal? Creeped out with an addition of extra sadness.

They threw their shovels to the side, one hitting me in the face.

I threw the shovel at Scott's head, and he said, "What was that for?"

"You threw it at me first."

"Alright, alright, let's just dig this up, kids." Stiles interrupted.

I grinned, and walked over to see what they were digging up with their hands.

"Hurry!" Scott nearly yelled.

I looked into the pit to see the half of the body tied in many ropes.

"Oh my god." I said quietly, feeling sympathy for the woman. What if she was just an innocent bystander? 

Once they got the corpse untied, they pulled the cover up and Stiles shrieked. I even jumped back in fear and threw my phone back a couple feet.

"What the hell-- I thought you smelled blood. As in human blood." I said in fear.

I took a look once again, to see a wolf head. Dead wolf head. 

"Yeah. I--I did." Scott muttered.

"Okay, well, just help me cover this thing back up." Stiles said, his voice shaking.

I went to where my phone was and I looked beside it. A purple flower. I closely looked at it and picked it up.


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