Chapter Twelve- Attacked At A Video Store.

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Scott soon came from the other side of the car, "What the hell."

You can say that again. I feel bad for Derek about the whole window smashing thing and the shot in the arm thing-- he really can't catch a break.

"What are you doing here?" Scott whispered to Derek.

"I was shot." Derek panted.

Yeah, no kidding.

"He's not looking so good dude." Stiles said, walking next to me.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked, once again. If the bullet did have wolfsbane, it makes sense for him to not be healing.

"I can't. It was-- It was a different type of bullet." Derek sighed, looking like he's going to collapse any second now.

"What-- like a silver bullet?" Stiles retorted. I snorted as Derek replied,

"No you idiot."

"Wait wait-- That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours." I said in realization. Everyone looked at me weird, then back to Derek.

"Wait what- Who- who said 48 hours." Derek said.

"The woman who shot you. I think her name was Kate-- or something like that. She talked with Allison's dad." I said, leaning onto my other foot.

Derek grunted in pain, and his eyes flashed in and out of blueness.

I looked behind us at the people honking. It was incredibly annoying, but if I was in their situation, I would be annoyed too.

"What are you doing? Stop that." Scott whispered, looking around.

"I can't. I told you, I can't." He said, breathing loudly.

"Derek. Get. UP." Scott said, grabbing his arms.

People started honking more, and I saw Jackson and Allison get out of their cars.

"Here-- help me get him into your car." Scott said, pulling Derek up. I quickly jumped into the back before Derek got into the passenger seat, while Scott closed his door.

"I need you to find out what type of bullet they used." Derek said, peering out the window.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Scott said.

"She's an Argent, she's with them." Well, no doubt to that. Full blown Argent. Many years of gymnastics and everything. They're training her without her even knowing it.

"Why should I be helping you?" 

"Out of the kindness of your heart?" I smiled, leaning in the front to look at Scott.

"Because you need me." Derek stated. That's also a good point.

"Fine. I'll try." Scott said as Stiles got into the driver's seat. I looked out the back and saw Allison walking towards the jeep.

"Get him out of here." Scott said.

"I hate you for this. So much." Stiles said, driving away. 


The whole car ride went between Stiles getting angry at Derek, getting angry at Scott, then almost driving to sourwolf's house. Not to mention he almost kicked Derek out of the car.

And now, Scott is sending us to the Animal Clinic. Plus, Derek is starting to smell. Stiles said he smelled like 'death', but I don't even know what that smells like. He smells more like a garbage dump to me.

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