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Y/f/n~ Your friend's name

Your life wasn't the best. You're mum died in a car crash when you were 4 and you've had to live with your dad and older brother ever since. Let's just say they don't fully understand the struggle of being a girl like your mum would.

(A/N yes I am british😂 I will spell mum like that instead of mom because thats how I naturally do it, hope you dont mind)

You would rely on your bestfriend to help you out when you got stressed or missed your mum.

Tonight was one of those nights.

You facetimed Zach and he instantly picked up.
"Hey Y/N" he said
"My family have left me again! My brother has gone with my dad on his business trip and they never ask me to go with them. Y'know when I'm on my own I don't eat properly! I can't find anything here to eat." You groan in frustration.
"Order Pizza?" He asked.
"They left me no money! As usual, you should know this by now. We're only 16 anyway I dont have a job" You sigh. You've always hated being alone.

"Have a shower and relax, I'll order some food to your house. Okay?" Zach all of a sudden says.
"You really don't have to Zach! I just needed someone to talk to!" You say shaking your head.
"Also you need to eat! Your gonna disappear otherwise." He says and ends the call. You just smile. That's why he's your bestfriend.

You hop in the shower but not for too long since food will hopefully arrive any minute.

You hop out and get changed into your pyjamas which is a sports bra and some really soft leggings.

You start to dry your hair which You know will turn into a fluff ball after when you hear a noise. You stop the hairdryer and accidentally rest the hot metal (where the air comes out) on your wrist. Looking around you feel a sharp pain.

You look down and realise you've burnt yourself.
"Shit!" There is a red mark of 4 lines. Thats going to scar.

*the next morning*
You wake up and look at your arm. The burn has scabbed over. It looks like You had cut yourself. You promised Zach you would never. Which you still hadn't.

You get to school and make sure your jacket is covering your arm.
"Y/N! We've got gym first" Zach pulls your arm towards the locker rooms.

Oh no. Short sleeve tops! You mentally face palm yourself.

*time skip*
Finally the horrible hour of exercise is over and you sigh once getting changed. You sit on the bench in the empty locker room for a while not caring that your late for science. You hated the subject anyway.

After 5 minutes you stood up and grabbed your bag leaving the room slowly making your way to science.

The corridors were empty.

That was until you heard footsteps behind you and you were pushed against some lockers and you looked up to see Zach with a worried expression. His hands were either side of your head so you couldn't go anywhere. It was quite intimidating...

"You did not!" He said as he clenched his jaw.
"I did not what?" You say confused
"You promised me Y/N!" His face goes back to hurt.
"What? I didn't promise you anything Herron!" You try to get out of his grip.

He pulled up your sleeve to reveal the burns.
"You promised me you'll never go to this!" A tear went down his face.
"Zach..." you try to tell him.

He pulled your arm to his lips and kissed each line. You just laugh at him.

"What?" He asks.
"They arent cuts silly. I burnt myself with the hairdryer last night."
"But you were crying, Y/f/n noticed first and I didnt want to say anything about your arm in gym!"

You remember about Zach's crush on y/f/n and sigh.
"Just go back to y/f/n bro. You wouldn't care if she didn't tell you." You start to walk away.

You get pulled back and once again pushed up against the lockers.

"Oh my god! Stop doing that Zach! Leave me alone!" You get annoyed.

"No I will not stop! And two! I so would care. Also My crush on Y/f/n is just a cover up"
"Wha-?" You start to say but you feel his warm lips on yours. Butterflies fly in your stomach. Your suprised but then return the kiss. His arms around you waist as yours were around his neck.

He pulls away and smiles.
"Y/f/n also knew it was a cover up. She's known about my crush on you for a while now." He smirks

"Well... today so didnt go as planned" you giggle and Zach then gives you a quick peck on the lips and runs off.

A/N: The thing with the hairdryer actually happened to me😂 I was drying my hair when I was 12 and I heard people talking, well more like shouting so I turned off the hairdryer to listen to my mum and dad's argument and I lent the hairdryer against my chin and so I went to school the next day with 4 scabs across my chin😂 it was great.

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